Chapter V: Dinner Party II and other stuff

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(Lydia pov)

"It's showtime."

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Can everyone see me?" Beetlejuice's hair shone a bright green.

Why are things colour changing?

Everyone (including Barbara, Adam and the pig) apart from me, Beetlejuice and Y/N, scream.

"Oh god, I missed that sound."

"You didn't listen dad!" I screamed. "Now this is what you get!"

"Yeah dad, this is what you get!" Beej shouted.

What an idiot.

"Beetlejuice! You've made your point!"

"Get porked Barbara!"

The pig chased Barbara around, while she was screaming "I DIDN'T COOK YOU!"  Yn didn't cooperate much, she was enjoying the show, until a knife came zipping past her head, when she ducked. That was about the only time she moved. Also, by the way, she had popcorn. With bugs and eyeballs in it. Eugh.

(YN would like to say that when one is dead, most foods are very hard to get. You make do with what you have. Also, Beej collects body parts and bugs)

Meanwhile, there were two giants, similar to the weird-looking ghosts. They were chasing the guests out!

"I'm taking your daughter Chuck!" Shouted the Beetlejuice giant.

"LYDIA!" was the last I heard from him before he got pushed out of the house, along with the guests and Delia.

"Looks like it's now our house kid!"

A week later.....

"Y/n? Where are you?"

I was gonna invite her to a very important sleepover with Barb, Cathy and Wednesday (I had to add them in).

Cathy is my younger sister, 12 years old. She's been in a boarding for around 3 years.

And Wednesday is all about the strang
e and unusual. Her mom, Morticia, probably is one of my maternal figures. She makes the best food, but she has weird names for them, like bug soup (tastes like beef stew) and bone powder (it's basically sugar) in blood (tea). She's like Barbara, but less vanilla, more like me, and also an actual mother. Also, I've known her longer.

Also, she's been cooking up some more normal food nowadays. Wednesday sent me pictures with her new phone.

However, when I went up to get Y/n, she wasn't there. She wasn't in the attic either. In fact, she was sitting on the edge of the roof, her legs dangling down the ledge. From the back, she looked so elegant, her h/l, h/c flowing in the wind.

"Hey Y/n!" I called. She turned around abruptly, quickly wiping her eyes. Her eyes were dark blue with hints of red, and it was obvious she was crying.

She tried to smile and wave it off.

"Hey Lyds! What did you call me for?"

"Well I was gonna invite you for a sleepove-"

"Sure! Where is it? I'll go get ready!" And she started walking towards the attic door. I grabbed her arm.

"Wait!" She turned to look at me, and purple flashed in her eyes, before returning to e/c.

"Can we talk first?"

(Y/n pov)

I do hope she didn't see me crying. That would be embarrassing. I sound like a seal that is being strangled, while also sounding like a cat dying. Overall, not good.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

(Lydia pov)

"Why were you crying?"
Y/n turned her head to not face me, murmuring something.

"What was that?"

"It's really stupid."

"Yeah ik Beej is stupid but-"

"Not Beej."

"Then what?"


I grabbed her shoulders and sat her down on the roof.

"Please tell me."

"If I do, please don't tell Beej."


And she started to tell her story.

(Y/n pov)

Trigger warning!

I told her about my death. I know it sounds silly that I'm thinking about it now, but the way the people ran away from my giant just, angered me. It made me feel like how I did in 1950. How people felt around me. Just running away because I was different.

"So, let me get this straight. You got hanged, wait, no, LYNCHED, because you got framed? Is that why you have the mark around your neck?"


"Does Beej know?"

"He found me hanging from the tree I died on."


(Lydia pov)

"Oh Y/n, I'm so sorry!" I gave her a hug. Was this why she wanted my life when we first met? I mean, she did get hers stolen from her.

She's been through alot.

"It's ok. I was being silly and crying."

"No! Showing emotions is important! On another note, why do your eyes change colour? And Beej's hair changes colour too."

"It's related to emotions. It's why I wear sunglasses. My eye colour is based on my mood, and it's similar for Beej, except his hair changes colour. We haven't told each other what all the colours are. Speaking of Beej...." She trailed off. "I need to have a serious chat with him. Anyway, when's the sleepover?"



"Oh yeah! It's at 9:30."

It was 8:36. We had to get everything ready in a span of 54 minutes. Luckily we did. Popcorn ready, beds ready, all snacks and dinner were made by Barbara.

We were ready.

Hey guys! The next few chapters are gonna be wholesome(or not) before people's lives get ruined and it becomes closer to the musical's script. Thank u! And if your name is Cathy, Lydia or somehow Wednesday (I'm not judging, that's a pretty cool name 😎) you can change the name or just shorten it.


Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now