Chapter XVII: My Creepy Old Guy

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They didn't get married after all, lol.

The scene went along the lines of:

"My creepy old guy, my creepy old guy, da de da de daaa (idk) yeah, no, I'm sorry."


"Sorry Beej, I can't marry you! It doesn't feel right." Lydia exclaimed.

"It's a green-card thing! It's completely fine!"

"No it's not!" The remaining 6 of us (me, Charles, Delia, Adam, Barbara and Cathy) chorused.

"B-but, how will I come back to life?" Beej stuttered.

I pulled out the Handbook. "Let's see, you gotta marry an alive person, I guess."

"Really? Hmm. Delilah?" Beej turned to the redhead.

"It's Delia, and no, I'm not marrying you. I've already got what I need right here." She said, hugging Charles.

"Ugh." Beej slumped to the ground.

In a desperate effort to cheer him up (you haven't seen him angry; it's horrible) I reread the passage, quickly, hoping that there was a loophole.

"The Handbook states: "For a Ghost or a Demon to come back to life, one must marry a soul full of life."

"Full of life, full of life." We all muttered.

"AHA!" Delia said, jumping up. How does she jump in such high heels?

"I've got it!"

"What?" Beej asked, desperately.

"The book said 'full of life', right? That doesn't mean an alive person! That just means an extremely cheerful person, or 'full of life!" She looked at Charles smugly. "Whose the one with nothing in their head now?"

They just have to be cheerful. Am I cheerful? I think so! Beej can come back to life now!

And anyway, this is a great time to confess, right?

C'mon, you can do this!

"Worth a shot!" I said.

I produced a ring in a box.

"Lawrence Betelgeuse Shoggoth," I started, getting down on one knee as everyone around me gasped.

"I met you when I was hanging from that tree, just 18, my life ending before it had begun. I felt like everything was over.

Until I met you. You brought light into my dark world, and never once in 79 years of me knowing you have I ever once regretted dying, because then I would have never met you.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I love you, and want to spend the rest of my afterlife with you, even if you will be a human. Will you mar-"

"YES YES YES YES!" Beej said, crying, but I knew they were happy tears. He picked me up and crushed me in a bear hug, spinning us around.

I could feel my heart bursting in excitement. After years of questiong if I did actually have a crush on Beej, I could finally marry the man I loved.

"WHEN'S THE WEDDDING?" Lydia and Cathy asked, excitedly.

"Well, since we already have a wedding set up, why not right now?" I suggested.

"Give me 3 seconds." Beej said. With a flick of his wrist, the whole place was transformed. The 'venue' was now semi-outdoors, with an arch and an altar. Fireflies hung in the air, giving it a magical look. Cherry blossoms decorated the aisle, while the black pews were garnished with jewel beetles and white roses.

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now