Chapter VII: Netherworld?

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"The netherworld is the afterlife. Where ghosts go after they pass over."

I was so angry. I could have passed over and lived a peaceful life as a ghost. Now, because I made a deal with him, I am now stuck as a ghoul.

I say deal, but I mean more cursed.

You see, there are different types of dead people.

There are different rankings for each.

Ghost: Highest ranking. Can affect the world of the living but not be badly impacted by it. Has many ghostly powers, such as possession, telekinesis, mind reading and such. Only weaknesses are exorcism and sandworms.

Demon: Lower than ghost. Only difference is that they cannot affect the world of the living unless summoned.

Ghouls: Under demon. Same powers. They cannot impact the world of the living unless summoned. They have many weaknesses, same as humans, yet they have more resilience. For example, a fall from the roof can kill a human, yet for a ghoul they would just be unconscious for a while. They could die if the problem is intense, such as a 50m fall onto the ground. Then they are guaranteed "dead", in a way. The last ghoul is me as after I died, the Netherworld Government decided not to be so harsh on ghosts. The spirit business is bad enough. Luckily, unlike ghosts and demons, sandworms cannot hurt them.

Spirit: what a ghost, ghoul and demon become after being deeply impacted, or "dying" again. They are invisible to everyone, including each other. You just are stuck, watching people waste their 'measly' yet so precious lives, wishing you could still have yours.

And if I'm not careful, which I'm not, I'm gonna be a spirit.

I'm seriously worried. I don't wanna be a spirit.

I don't wanna be invisible again.

Can we continue?

Shut up Beej I'm angry at you.

This happened like over 3 months ago! I apologised! You forgave me!

I'm in my ✨️moment ✨️.

I rubbed the scar on my neck angrily. It still was raw and open, just like it was when-

This is boooooring.

Beej I SWEAR. Lemme have my moment.


Thank you.

"So, y'knew about the netherworld, and yet you didn't let me live on? Why? Why would you do that? Is that what your doing to Adam and Barbara? Why? Do you hate us? Why do yo-" I was getting more worked up by the second. My eyes were burning. I felt the hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Wait- why were they hot? What the hell/Netherworld is going on?

"I-I, umm..." Beej was struggling to find words. I took my opportunity to go back to sleepover.

This Beej character is hella awkward.

Wooow. Great you finally realised.

Lydia saw me first, my tears pooling in my eyes and flowing down my cheeks.

"Y/n are you ok?" That was the stone that breaks open the dam. I don't even remember crying that much alive.



Fine, sorry.

She hugged me and let me explain. I wet her dress with my tears and I'm very embarrassed. And I ugly cry alot. I look like a melting lion crossed with a pug, and the result came out badly, because my hair sticks out like a mane. And I look like I'm dripping or melting when I cry.

I went to sleep. Crying is very draining.

(Dw the chapters will be longer. Enjoy reading!

Also, YN, what a way to end the chapter!

cRyInG iS vErY dRaInInG.

Yes I mocked my own character.

Sue me.)

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now