Chapter XII: What are Samoas?

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Tw: mentions of pedophilia. (It's in the show tho)

It was morning again. We were in bed for 2 hours. By that I meant Lydia slept while Beej and I played chess, obviously. Games with checkered boards are my favourite.

I was winning.

You cheated.

Did not!

Did too! You swapped your king and castle around!

First, it's usually called a rook. Second, that's a chess move. It's called castling.


You're a graduate from Julliard! How did you not know that?

I didn't graduate by learning chess! It's a music school! (I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm insulting Julliard. I don't wish to offend anyone)

Fair. Also how the hell are you so dumb when you graduated from such a prestigious school?


Anyway. So we accidentally burnt down the hou-

WE'RE not talking about that. We're talking bout the girl scout.

Right. Thank you. So Beej and I were playing chess when Beej accidentally dropped the chessboard, causing the pieces to make a noise which woke Lydia up.

When something wakes her up, it's not pretty.

She was livid. Livid, but very groggy. It was hilarious but slightly scary. She shouted at us for waking her up, got out of bed, tripped over a chess piece and fell on her face.

"Lyds, you good?"

She put up a thumbs up, saying a muffled "I'm good." I lifted her off the floor.

"You both are so loud."

"It's the pieces' fault!" Exclaimed Beej.

"Oh really?"


".....fine it's my fault."

"Thought so."

Who even says 'exclaimed' anymore?

Shut up.

Suddenly the bell rang. We rushed downstairs, Lydia in the lead, me second and Beej last. I decided to sit on the railing and slide down it. It was working, when Beej teleported infront of me, making me jump, causing me to fall onto the stairs, roll down while Lydia jumped over me, which means I was last. Beej helped me up.

So charming 😍.

What, you have a crush on me?

No! Also you're the one who made me trip over. Not cool.

Me? Not cool?

You gotta face the music Beej. Like Bill and Ted. (Get this reference and you're a star)

(LOL also that 'Bill and Ted Face the Music' was made after the year this fanfic is set)


Nevermind. Back to the scene. So Lydia opened the door, greeting the visitor. A girl scout.

"Hello little girl."

The girl nervously giggled. "Um, yes um hiiiii my name is Skyyyy," She said, fiddling with her pigtails.

Why does everyone sing in these things?

It's a musical. My musical.


"And I'm here today to support the girl scouts by selling cookies!" Nicee.

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now