Chapter VIII: Ghosting

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I woke up later than everyone else. Around 12pm. Oh well. I went down for some food. Hmm, lets see. Eggs, waffles, bacon, maple syrup.... I KNOW. I want breakfast cups.

(Around 10 or so mins later)

These are freaking amazing. I 100% recommend.

Lydia, Cathy and someone else came down. I assumed Wednesday went home. Turns out, she did. I mean, she does go to a prestigious school, Nevermore Academy. Probably was catching up on homework or something.

Oh great. That someone else was someone I did NOT want to talk to at ALL.

"Hey Y/n." Three voices said at once.

"Hey Lyds, hi Cath." I said, ignoring Beej and walking to Lydia's bedroom. I dressed into my signature f/c and black checkered shirt and grey sweatpants. I wore white and black striped trainers first, then yanked them off and chucked them to the other side of the room.

Why was he everywhere?!

I decided to settle with my signature pattern, f/c and black shoes.

I had woven Lydia a friendship bracelet a while ago. It was black and blood-red, her favourite colours. Mine was black and f/c.

I went back down, clutching the woven bracelet in my hand.

"Hey Lyds? Can I borrow you?"


We went into the corridor and I swear I saw Beej frown.

"Lyds I- umm- I made you something."


"I made you a little gift. Hope you like it!" I gave her the bracelet

Her eyes lit up. "Oh. My gosh. Thank you!" And she gave me possibly the biggest bear hug a 4'8 could possibly give. But then, Beej was only like 5'3 or something.

Ugh. He's everywhere!

I tied her bracelet to her wrist, and she tied my bracelet onto mine. Then she saw something.

"What are these marks on your wrist?"

Shoot. I forgot about those.

"Umm, nothing Lyds!"

"Don't lie. Friends don't lie." Well that backfired, didn't it? (Stranger Things vibes)

"Ugh. FINE. It's umm... tattoos."

"Of what?"

"Nope. Not telling you."


"The only way you would ever find out was if I was drunk. And that is very unlikely to happen because I don't drink often."

"Watch your back Y/n. I will find out." Okay, now I'm a little worried. I'll just make sure not to ever drink alcohol. Ever.

Nah that's never gonna work.

She's just a little to young to know.

I went up to the attic. I was able to build myself a small teepee to sleep in. Kicking my shoes off, crawled in and crossed my legs.

Something in the corner of the room caught my eye. A black and white striped ring, flecked with green, lay on the ground. The clasp of the ring was in the shape of a sandworm. I remember making this for Beej and myself.

I slipped the ring on and snuggled myself in the blanket which lined the floor on the teepee.

I fell asleep. I think I'm making up for the amount of sleep I missed when I was alive.

(Beej pov)

Ok so Y/n and Lydia left the room, Lyds came back 20 minutes later, and I heard Y/n's footsteps go up to the attic. Lydia came in and gave me a glare. If looks could kill and I wasn't already dead.

She sat at the kitchen island. I poofed next to her.

"Why the long face?"

"Seriously Beej? She coulda passed over to the Netherworld but instead, she's permanently stuck here. Because of you. Why would you do that?"

I mumbled in response.

"What was that?"

"I didn't want to be alone anymore. She is am amazing person, and one of my bestest friends."


"Lydia, I-"

"Shut up. No. Go away. Don't talk to me or Y/n."

And she stormed out. Lemme tell you, I really regret not telling n/n. It was highly selfish. I shouldn't have done it.
"-I don't care if you hate me forever y/n. I am so sorry. I will do anything for your forgiveness. I'll destroy Plushiela-" I was cut off by a young girl hugging my waist tightly, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"I forgive you Beej. It's ok actually. Considering the place was full of dead white people, I would probably still suffer racism. Ah well." She smiled, then placed a black and white bracelet in my hand.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. I shouldn't have done that. I jus-"

"Hey. Hey." I said, wiping her tears away while cupping her chin, "this was my fault. I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to leave me. When you go into the netherworld, you don't come out."

I got pulled into what may have been the longest hug any of us had ever received.

"I'm not gonna leave you Beej."


"Promise. But, please don't ever do this again Beej."

"I won't."

"Now, since you didn't get to watch The Exorcist, wanna watch it now?"

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now