Chapter IV: Dinner Party 1

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(Im sorry but,

Lydia is wearing blue nail polish.

Goth, amiright.

She still looks lovely tho)

(3rd person pov)

The dinner started. Maxie Dean made it his priority to flirt with Lydia. Both Y/n and Lydia hated it. Maxie would look at Y/ns direction from time to time. Y/n found it really strange. He couldn't see her too, right?

Lydia held a toast to Delia. That's where the fun started. As Delia was having a speech, she burst into the song 'Day-o (Banana Boat song)'. Soon every living person (and the pig that had been cooked) but Lydia were singing. It turns out Barbara and Adam possesed them (Point Maitlands).

That's when the problem started. Maxie Dean wanted to buy the house, assuming it was haunted. Lydia snapped. She was going to summon Beetlejuice.

(Lydia pov)

"There's only one way to stop this!"

"No Lydia! We don't know what will happen!"

"I can't keep living like this!"

I took a deep breath, then:


In a poof of smoke, he came to stand on the table I was on.

"Oh boy! oh boy! Oh! I'm so glad you changed your mind. You will never regret this."

I better not.


"We are gonna make such a good team. Just give me one more!"


That was it.

"It's showtime."

To be continued...

Hi! Sorry it was so short. The next few chapters will be longer. Thx.

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now