Chapter XVIII: Dying Again

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(This last chapter will be fully in 3rd person, and you will see why.

Just, don't be sad, because there will be a second book.

Ok enjoy!)

(Edit: btw this has become extremely edited, be prepared for some stuff you may have not seen earlier)

The floor transformed into a dance floor. 🕺 💃

Yn smiled at Beetlejuice and whispered something into his ear. The man deeply chuckled, before nodding.

The girl snapped her fingers, and in an instant, the two had swapped clothes. Yn donned her husband's suit and kippah while Beetlejuice spun around in his new dress.

Lydia came running up to them, urgently, speaking in a fake Medevial accent.


"Oof." Yn slipped hers on, and Beetlejuice slipped his on.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light. Beetlejuice rose up into the air, the fireflies circling him.

"W-What's going on?" He spluttered.



The man fell back onto the ground, sharply. The woman came rushing over to him, followed by a crowd of others.  Beetlejuice's messy green and brown pompadour was a chestnut brown, his skin glowing, his nails cleanly manicured. All the mold was gone, and his teeth were perfect.

Oh, mind you, he's still wearing the wedding dress.

"Are you okay, honey?"

"Yup. I think I'm, alive." The man said in wonder.

"Let's see." Yn slapped the ex-dead guy.

"Yup, alive."

"What was that for?!" The girl smirked, not answering his question.

"You look lovely in a wedding dress, y'know."

The man got up, and started posing. "Oh yeah?"

"Work it, girl!" Yn chanted as Lydia filmed and Cathy howled with laughter.

"Y'know, Adam, you coulda put a ring on this hot bod." Beej commented, still posing as Lydia took photos.

"Too early." Yn blinked. "Anyway, how does it feel to be alive again?"

"GREAT! I WANNA PARTY FOREVER! I'm also sooooo tired. Why didn't I sleep when I was a ghost?"

"Because you're dumb. Okay, we're gonna cut this party a little early; time for bed." She said, gently pushing Beej.

Surprisingly, the ex-ghost-zombie-Jesus didn't retaliate, and started walking towards the staircase to head to bed.

Well, he would have, if a particular door hadn't open up.

But first:


"Oh yeah! Quickly quickly!" The two rushed to the cake.

"So, are we gonna cut this like normal peo-" Beetlejuice was cut off by Yn grabbing a handful of cake and smushing it into Beetlejuice's face. The audience looked shocked, before Beej burst into laughter and did the same to his spouse.

Yn licked the cake off her face and pulled her husband towards the stairs.

"Bed. Now."

"Fine." Beej supported his hand on the wall next to the staircase, which immediately fell backwards.

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now