Epilouge: The End?

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(Yn pov)

I woke up.

"Where the hell am I?" I seemed to be floating in this bluish orb.

"Well, just as you said, Hell!" A blonde, young looking lady in a pencil skirt appeared in front of me.

"B-but am I not meant to be a spirit? The Handbook said so-"

"What edition is that?" The lady asked, impatiently.

"Umm, Edition 5114?" I said, checking the back.

"Ah. Makes sense. That's from the Medevial times. We use 5418 now." She pulled out a newer edition of the HOTRD.


"Page 67."

I flicked to page 67, and scanned the page.

"If a soul sacrificed their soul to save another person, they get a choice between coming back to life or being a spirit." My eyes lit up.

"Wait... what's the catch?"

"Ah, well, you see, you arrive the same age you died at onto the world, a little while away from where you died. However, your memory has been wiped clean, and filled with new memories. Also, you get a new family. All you will remember is your name, your age, and like facts about you that make you, you, like favourite colours or TV shows, that sorta stuff. Wanna risk it?"

I thought for a minute. Maybe Beej and I can be reunited! It won't be the end for us!

I nodded vigorously at the blonde lady.

"Okay. Get ready."





Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now