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Warnings: none

You're doing the wired auto complete interview with Jenna your secret girlfriend. let go


Me and Jenna had been dating ever since the premiere of Wednesday. We kept it private for the obvious reasons that we don't wanna share our life with the public 24/7. Right now we were doing the WIRED interview since we both played in Wednesday.

''Hi I'm Jenna Ortega.''

''And I'm Y/N L/N''

''And this is the wired auto complete interview.''

We both got a board. We started with mine.

''What is Y/N L/N age?, I am 20 years old (pretend cause else its weird cause jenna is 20)

''Alright next. What is Y/N L/N new movie?, well my latest project is Wednesday and right now I'm working on a new movie so stay tuned for that.''

Jenna looked at you with a smile.

''Alright Jen wanna do the honors of peeling the next one off?''

She smiled widely

''Of course I wanna do that.''

She peeled it off while asking the question out loud.

''What is Y/N L/N love life like?''

she looked at me expecting me to answer.

''Oh that's a though one. Let's see I dated a few people before, I had like 3 girlfriends and 1 boyfriend. (he's pan in this btw) but right now I'm laying low.''

I looked at my secret girlfriend for conformation and she just nodded sadly.

''Alright Jen your turn.''

She smiled again and started asking her own questions. After a couple more questions we got a new board.

''Where does Y/N L/N get his clothes? Weird question but I mostly get it from hot topic cause i'm a bad bitch.''

Jenna laughed at this and soon we both started laughing hard.

''Okay okay....yeah i'm good okay next. Where does Y/N L/N live? I live in noneofyourbuisness lane number 12.''

I smiled innocently and then Jenna went to her new board. A few of about the same questions and then the interview was done.

''Alright that was it for today. Please subscribe to WIRED and don't forget to watch Wednesday, now streaming on Netflix.''


''And cut. That was great.''

We headed out of the building and got into the car and drove to our shared apartment.

''So about that question...''

I looked at Jenna

''Babe I answered a million questions today you gotta be more specific.''

I joked. She chuckled and nodded her head.

''The love life one...''

''Oh... did I say something wrong? I'm sorry I didn't know how to answer it.''

''No no it's okay but I think maybe it's time to go public...If you're okay with it.''

I smiled at my girlfriend and nodded.

''We'll make it public tonight.''

She smiled and grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on my knuckles.

''I love you Mi amor''

''I love you too princess.''

When we got home we made some dinner and just ate while making jokes and telling each other stories like we always do. After dinner we got on the couch and opened our Instagram. I took out a picture my mom had taken of me and Jenna in Paris kissing in front of the Eiffel tower and Jenna chose a mirror pic of us in our pj's me kissing her on her cheek while she took the picture. We put the words 'My love' in it and got ready to hit the post button.

''You ready?''

She nodded excitedly and started counting down.


We both clicked the post button and turned off our phones giving it about 5 minutes before all comments and likes and reposts starting flowing in. I smiled reading some of the comments saying we were cute together and I also showed Jenna some that said 'nooo you stole our wife' We both laughed at them and cuddled on the couch.

''Thanks...for yknow doing this whole public thing. I love calling you mine.''

She said as she kissed my forehead.

''Darling I can now officially claim you as mine for everyone to see, I have never been happier.''

She chuckled and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and I felt her smile as well. She started playing with my hair while kissing me and I just melted into her touch. No matter how many times we kissed it still gave me so many butterflies doing it.

''I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now.''

She chuckled.

''You definitely are.''

A/N: have this adorable shit just cause we're here in bed alone wishing she was next to us like this.

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