Love of my life J/O

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requested by: @kabutoRaija

Warnings: talk of anxiety and depression.

Info: You're a comic book artist for DC. You're at a comic con meeting some fans but you're secretly struggling with anxiety and depression. You get an anxiety attack at the comic con and a girl follows you to help you. Lets go.


I was signing some of the comic books I drew and taking some pictures with fans at a random comic con. It started off okay but all the sounds and lights started to become much more heavy. My breathing became bad and I just ran away. I ran to the nearest exit to get some fresh air. I put on my headphones to drown out my thoughts of hurting myself.

I didn't hear the girl who had been following me. She tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped at her touch and the headphones fell on the ground.

"Sorry so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

She grabbed my headphones and handed them to me. I nodded a thank you and tried to hide my tears.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and faked a smile to her. She shook her head not believing me.

"I struggle with anxiety too y'know. Do you want me to help you?"

I looked at her not responding as I couldn't process anything she had just said. she just put her hands on my shoulders and motioned for me to follow her breathing. I did as she had told me to and I soon calmed down. Only after I calmed down I realized who I was talking to. Fucking Jenna Ortega...Oh fuck.

She smiled at me and motioned for me to sit with her on one of the benches outside. I did as she told me to and sat down next to her.

"Feeling better?"

I nodded and avoided her gaze.

"Sorry for that, you can go again if you want I don't mind."

I assured her but she shook her head.

"Nah I'm using this as an excuse to get out of there too. I love my job but stuff like this becomes too much sometimes y'know."

I nodded. I looked at her for a bit. She was gorgeous. She was wearing some ripped jeans with a white tanktop and converse. She had her hair down and wore sunglasses. She also had her headphones around her neck. She caught me staring at her.

"You okay?"

I nodded shyly and looked down at my hands. I started fidgeting with my rings for a bit.

"I'm Jenna by the way."

She held her hand out for me to shake.


"I know. I love your comics."

She said with a smile. I smiled at her and nodded.

"And I love your movies and shows."

I told her. She chuckled and looked at the ground again. I did the same. We sat like that for a while until she spoke up.

"I should head back inside. My boss is getting angry. Here give me your phone."

She told me. I gave her my phone and she typed something in it. She gave it back and I saw she had put in her number with her name and a heart next to it. She had texted herself in it as well so she had my number. I smiled at her and she walked away with a little wave.

"See you around Y/N!"

I waved back and then looked back at my phone which now had Jenna's number in it. I did a little happy dance and went back inside to continue meeting fans and signing books.

At home:

When I got home I took a long shower. When I finished I saw I had a text from Jenna

Jenna <33

-Hey comic book boy

-Hey Wednesday.

-Okay that was deserved xD

-It was. What's up?

-Can you call right now? I'm bored and lonely.

-Poor you, yeah I can call.

Soon after I send that I got an incoming face time from Jenna. I picked up and heard her shriek.


I put on a shirt while laughing.

"Okay okay you can look now. Didn't think it'd be a problem."

She laughed as well and opened her eyes. We ended up talking all night about movies, books, comics and just anything we wanted to talk about. After a bit we both fell asleep still on call.

one week later

Me and Jenna had become closer. I called her every time my anxiety and depression where acting up and she helped me through it. Right now we were gonna be meeting up in a café. We hadn't seen each other in real life since comic con so I was nervous. I put on some casual but nice clothes and headed out of my apartment. I got in my car and drove to the café she told me to go to. It wasn't far away so I was there a bit early. I ordered my coffee and sat down waiting for Jenna.

After about 5 minutes I heard the door open and Jenna came walking in. I smiled at her and she came over to me.


She opened her arms for a hug. I got up and hugged her.

"Imma just order a coffee real quick be right with you okay?"

I nodded and sat back down. After Jenna got her coffee she sat in the seat in front of me. We sat in the back of the café to avoid people being people and coming to us for pictures and autographs. We were having a nice time and Jenna at some point came to sit next to me instead of in front of me. I didn't care 'cause I loved to be close to her. After a bit of silence she suddenly leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Can I kiss you?"

My face turned bright red and I started stuttering out things that weren't even words. I ended up giving up on speaking and just nodded my head instead. She chuckled and smiled as she leaned into me. She put her soft lips on mine. It was just a short kiss but it got me super nervous. I was still as red as a tomato and Jenna just chuckled at it.

"I like you dork."

I smiled and looked down.

"I like you too..."

I whispered under my breath but she could still hear. She laid her head on my shoulder and we continued just having some fun.

We walked to a park hand in hand and some paparazzi came to us.




Jenna sighed and nodded.

"Yes he is my boyfriend, now leave us alone please."

I smiled and squeezed her hand a bit making her smile. The paparazzi didn't listen and we just ended up running away from them hand in hand and laughing like little children. I had just met her a week ago but I knew she would be the love of my life...

A/N: I hope this is a bit okay. I have never done requests before so idk if this is good or not. If you had wanted it differently pls tell me so I can write a different one. Love yall byeeeeeeeeee

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