My brother's girlfriend L/D

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Warnings: smut

You're RJ's brother. Lets go


I was in the back of a van with some porn stars, my brother and his girlfriend. How the fuck did I end up here...oh right RJ asked me to come, I hesitated until he said Lorraine was coming as well. Of course I agreed to come. I was in charge of the camera, Lorraine did the mic, some Wayne dude was the director and RJ wrote everything so he helped Wayne.

"so buff boy, what's your type?"

This girl bobby-Lynn asked me.

"uhhh, idk quiet, brunette, short is very cute."

She looked over and Lorraine who was busy fixing her mic and back at me and smirked. I nodded at her and she then went over to ask RJ some questions, she was probably bored.

We stopped to get gas and some food. Me and Lorraine started going through the script once more to see if my brother made any mistakes. RJ walked over to us and put an arm around Lorraine's shoulder but she moved away. I looked at her worriedly and she just shrugged. RJ looked hurt. He janked my wrist and dragged me away.

''What is going on with her lately. She doesn't want any affection whatsoever anymore."

I shrugged and looked at her reading the script and then back at my brother.

"you're trying too hard, just let her work through whatever this is and she'll come back to when she's ready."

My brother looked at me as if I had told him I was gonna kill her.

"What the fuck Y/N that's the worst advice ever. I'm her boyfriend she should love me!"

"dude what the hell she's a person not a pet."

He got mad and walked off to idk where and I walked back over to Lorraine. She looked at me then hugged me. I was shocked but I hugged her back since she probably needed it.

"thanks Y/N...I heard what you guys talked about. RJ is such a dick sometimes, I don't even love him anymore but I'm scared of what he'll do to me if I tell him."

She blurted out. I looked at her in shock.

"no matter what you do, my brother will never hurt you, I'm here to make sure of that. If he so what lays a finger on you, he's dead. Do you understand.''

She nodded in the crook of my neck and hugged me tighter.

''You're the best Y/N..."

"I'm just being a basic nice person Lor. You deserve so much better than RJ."

She looked up at me and nodded. I saw something in her eyes but I didn't know what it was. I wanted to ask her if she was okay but Wayne already called us all back. The whole ride there RJ and me were giving each other death glares and everyone had noticed but didn't say anything.

When we got there, there were a few issues. Wayne being held at gunpoint being one of them but hey we got through it. I decided to share a room with RJ so that Lorraine didn't have to and so that RJ and I could have a little 'talk' about how he treats Lorraine.

We started filming immediately since we had a tight schedule. It was so awkward to film all the sex scenes. I accidentally kept staring at bobby-Lynn's boobs and Lorraine noticed. I saw that she got pissed off at it and I tried to stop myself from looking again but hey come on they were right in front of my face.

After a day of filming we were all exhausted but I had one more thing to do today and that was making sure RJ was not hurting Lorraine anymore. I first went to talk to her so she could tell me what she wanted me to say to him. I knocked on her door and I heard silent sobs coming from inside so I opened the door softly and saw Lorraine crying on her bed with her face in the pillow. I went up to her and put my hand on her back and trace some patterns on it to calm her down. As soon as she calmed down she sat up and hugged me tightly.

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