Jealous baby? J/O

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Warnings: alcohol, smut

Info: you and Jenna are going to an afterparty of the premier of Wednesday, you were going as her plus one. Emma got drunk and got a little too touchy for Jenna's liking. Lets go

Jenna's POV:

Me and Y/N were driving to the afterparty. Y/N was driving and had his hand on my thigh the whole ride there, he also kept telling me how proud he was of me for the role of Wednesday Addams.

As we got to the party it was already going crazy, people were even outside and the door was open with loud music and bright light coming out of the house. I already hated being here but it was a must so me and Y/N decided to go for a few hours and leave as early as possible.

Y/N opened my door for me and helped me out of the car like the gentleman he is, how did I get so lucky... We were holding hands as we walked towards the place where the party took place. As we went in we saw some of my castmates and went up to them. We shared hugs and said our hi's. Y/N offered to get us both something to drink and walked off to the bar. I was talking with Georgie and didn't notice Emma had left to follow Y/N.


I was at the bar making me and Jenna some drinks when someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to see Emma standing there wobbly and obviously drunk.

"Heyyyyyy Y/NNNNN"

I nodded a hi and went back to making our drinks. Emma didn't like this response and she kept touching my arm wanting attention.

"Emma you're drunk, you should go home. Me and Jenna can drive you home if you want."

She shook her head no and still wobbled a bit.

"I'm fineeeeeeeeeeeee"

She ended up falling and landed right on my shoulder. I catch her just in time before she hit the floor. She rested her head on my shoulder and started giggling. I met Jenna's eyes from far away and she was staring daggers at both me and Emma. I quickly pushed Emma away and saw Jenna coming up to us.

"Here baby"

I said handing her the drink I made. She took it without a word and stared at Emma. I saw her biting the inside of her cheek, she always does this when she's angry at something. I took her hand and led her away from the scene. I walked her to the bathrooms and made sure all the stalls were empty before I started interrogating her.

"What's up with you?"

She scoffed


"That was just Emma, I did absolutely nothing I just had to catch her so my FRIEND wouldn't hit the fucking ground in her drunken state!"

Jenna flinched at that and got even madder


I started smirking now knowing what this actually about

"Jealous baby?"

She started blushing madly at my smirking and looked at the ground in shame.


She said under her breath but loud enough for me to hear. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

"You don't have to be jealous Cara mia, I'm yours and yours only. You don't ever have to worry about that okay."

She nodded in the crook of my neck.

"Let's get home, I'm already tired of this place. It's like a god damn high school party."

She chuckled and nodded. I took her hand and led her out of the bathroom to my car. I opened the passenger door for her as she got in. I leaned over and put her seatbelt on and kissed her on the forehead before pulling away. I got in the car as well and started driving home. It was about a 20 minute drive and it was dead silent in the car. Jenna suddenly put her hand on my thigh and kept inching it closer to where she knew I loved it most. I hitched my breath and she started smirking. I kept my eyes on the road and tried to ignore the ache that was happening inside of me right now.

As we got home I pulled Jenna's hand softly off my upper thigh and got out of the car. I opened the car for her again and helped her out. I locked my car and walked up to our shared apartment. I didn't even open the door yet before Jenna forcefully pulled me into a kiss. I pulled her up by her ass and her legs wrapped around me immediately. I opened the door and walked us in kicking the door close with my foot not breaking the kiss once. I walked her up to the couch and then she started taking full control. She pinned me against the couch and even though I was stronger than her and could easily take dominance instead I let her have dominance this time. She started sucking my neck harshly still pinning against the couch.

"Let's make sure no one can flirt you again huh~"

She found my soft spot on my neck and sucked and bit it harshly. I started letting out some soft moans. She smirked against my neck and stopped sucking once she felt like I had enough hickeys. She admired her work for a bit before she started straddling my lap having her hands on my hips now instead of my arms. She slowly started grinding me and it drove me absolutely crazy. I could feel my dick becoming hard and I knew she felt it too as she started smirking wider and grinding me harder. She motioned for me to take my shirt off as she kept grinding me and I gladly did as she told me to do. She traced my abs with her tongue and her hands were now on my inner thighs instead of my hips. She took her sweet time with me and I dying under her touch.

"So hard for me baby boy~"

I moaned at the name

"J-Jenna please-"

I started begging. I needed her, craved her. She smirked above me and slowly undid my belt. She kept eye contact with me while she pulled my pants and boxers down. Her usually brown eyes were now black and they were filled with lust. I hitched my breath at the suddenly cold air that hit my dick but that cold air was soon switched with the hot breath of Jenna as she was inches away from sucking my dick.


I was cut off by my own moan when I felt Jenna's hot mouth around my dick. She took every inch of me and deepthroated the shit out of me. She started off slow but as my moans kept getting more she went faster.

"I-I'm cl-close"

I panted out. She suddenly stopped and I whined at the lack of touch. She smirked and took off her own clothes leaving her bare like me. She lined her pussy up with me and slowly lowered herself. We both moaned when I went into her and I let her get used to me. When she was used to me she slowly started grinding me like she did before only now with me inside of her. My hands found their way to her breasts and I started massaging them while her grinding kept going faster. I felt her walls tighten around me and her moans became louder.

"Are you on the pill?"

I managed to get out before moaning again. She nodded and with that I kissed her passionately while still massaging her breasts. She grinded even faster and we both got to our high.

"Fu-fucking hell Jenna-"

I managed to get out after she pulled out of me. She got off of me and kissed me again.


She quietly whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.


I softly said as I cuddled her.


Awoop jumpscare. Anygays sorry its been a while but school is so fucking exhausting it has killed all the energy I had to continue writing. I also have a draft open for my other book of Vada so if you're reading that as well don't worry a new part is coming soon. Again if you have any requests pls lmk in the correct chapter and have a great day/night. Byeeeeeeeee

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