Fleek fest K/T

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warnings: none

Info: You're at fleek fest with a few friends and a girl seems scared and lost her phone and you decide to help her. Ur trans in this btw. Lets go

Y/N POV: I was with some friends enjoying myself at fleek fest when a girl bumped into me.

"Sorry sorry, do you have a charger maybe?"

"No sorry, do you need to call someone?"

She nodded her head. I gave her my phone and she dialled the number. I took her hand and led her to a more quiet part so she could call. I walked a few feet away so she had some privacy.

After a bit she came back and handed me my phone back. I saw she had been crying.

"hey you okay?"

"No, no not really, I came here with my friends but they ditched me and I'm scared as fuck."

"want me to bring you home, I promise I'm not a killer."

She chuckled and nodded.

"that would be great actually, thank you so much. I'm Katie by the way."

I put my hand out for her to shake.


She shook my hand and smiled. I kept a grab of her hand and let her out of the festival to my car.

"what about your friends?"

I chuckled.

"they're drunk and enjoying themselves, they'll be fine."

"wait how old are you?"

I chuckled.

"I'm 15, my friends are a bit older but still not of legal age, they just got some random guy to buy them alcohol."

She nodded.

"So where do you live?"

I gave her my phone and she typed her address in google maps. It was about a 20 minute drive so it would be fine. I unlocked my car and opened the passenger door for her. She smiled and nodded a thank you before getting in.

"thank you so much again."

I chuckled.

"it's really no big deal, I remember my first fleek fest, I had the same problem my friends ditched me and I had no one to help me so right now I'm making sure you do have someone to help you."

She smiled and nodded. I gave her my phone with the AUX chord so she could put on some music on the way to her house. She turned H.E.R and we both sang along with it while driving. As I got to her house her mom ran up to the car.

"Oh Katie baby are you okay?"

They hugged.

"I'm fine mom, thanks to Y/N mostly."

She pointed at me. stepped out of the car and gave them an awkward wave. Her mom came up to me and inspected me.

"he's fine mom, he lend me his phone to call you and he brought me home safely."

She still stared me down making me uncomfortable. She then changed her facial expression to a soft one and hugged me.

"thank you for taking care of her."

I nodded and awkwardly patted her back. Katie just laughed at this.

I looked inside the house to see it was filled with foam and children trying to clean it up.

"uh you guys need any help with that?"

I asked pointing to the foam. Katie's dad looked at me and nodded.

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