Bookstore boy J/O

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Warnings: none

Info: you work in a bookstore (Moony's hehe) and Jenna just happens to be there. Alright yeah that's it. Lets go

Y/N POV: I was stocking the shelves with the new books we got today. It was a quiet day in the store today so I took a few extra breaks and right now I just off my break again. I heard the bell ding signalling me that someone was in the store.

"Good afternoon."

I greeted without looking up from the shelves I was stocking.


I got off the ladder and headed over to the girl that just came in. My heart skipped a beat for a second. Jenna Ortega was standing in my bookstore. I pulled myself together and tapped on her shoulder. She looked around and smiled at me.

"Can I help you find anything?"

She nodded

"What do you recommend?"

I chuckled.

"Well that depends. what genre you looking for?"

"Nothing in particular, just what is your favourite book in here?"

I thought for a second and then motioned for her to follow me. I walked over to the horror section and grabbed my favourite book. 'IT by Stephen King'

"A classic."

I handed it to her. She chuckled.

"Wouldn't have expected any differently to be honest. You look like the Stephen King type."

She started reading through it a bit and then nodded.

"Alright I'll give it a try."

I smiled at her.

"Want anything else or was this it?"

"This is it...for now."

I smiled and nodded. We walked over to the register and I scanned the book.

"So I have to ask, what is Jenna Ortega doing in a boring bookstore like Moony's?"

She chuckled and shook her head.

"I knew it, I knew you knew me. I'm just here 'cause I was bored and I'm done filming for today so I decided to check out a few stores and I love books soooo."

I chuckled.

"Well we have your book here so of course I knew you and there's a few better shops right down the street y'know."

She nodded.

"I know but I like smaller shops more."

She gave me the money for the book.

"Want the receipt?"

She nodded. I printed it out and took out a note as well writing my number on it with the words 'tell me your thoughts on the book' on it. I put the receipt and the note in her book and handed it to her.

"I hope to see you again."

She smiled.

"I hope so too-"

She looked at my namecard.


I smiled and waved as she walked out of the store. When she was gone I was doing my little happy dance but didn't notice she could still me from the window.

Jenna's POV:

As I was walking out of the store I saw Y/N do a little dance and laughed to myself.


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