my biggest fanJ/O

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Warnings: none

Info: You're in a band and at a concert in LA you meet your biggest fan Jenna Ortega who you might have a crush on. Lets go


I was waiting in the green room to go up on stage with the band. I was the singer and lead guitarist, Jax was the drummer, Ellie was the bassist and Veronica the rhythm guitarist. We were all great friends and we had lots of fun playing on stage and making new songs. Right now we were all nervous as fuck. This wasn't anything new, we were the biggest punk rock band of this time at the moment. We had whole sold out stadia.

"You guys ready?"

Some guy with a mic asked. We all nodded and got our stuff. I put my earpiece in and took my mic. The guitars were already on stage so we didn't have to worry about that. I started jumping to get myself hyped up before we got called on.

"and now the moment you've all been waiting for. Ladies and gentleman, BLOODLUST (name of your band don't come at me I have 0 creativity for names) Everyone started screaming as we ran on stage.


Everyone shouted even harder as I said that. I waited for them to calm down and grabbed my signature guitar (the one shown in the pic above) in the meantime.

Jax started counting us down as we started playing a few songs. I gave it all my energy and soon some girls started asking for me to take my shirt off. I did as they asked and threw it somewhere in the crowd. All my tattoos were now showing. I had a lot of them, everytime we went on tour I got one in each city as a memory. I also had some fun ones and some ones that had deep meanings to me. Everyone screamed along with our songs and it was the best feeling ever.

When we played our last song I ran through the crowd and high fived everyone I could. I had set my guitar down as this song just required Veronica. As I was running and hugging and high fiving people a certain famous brunette had caught my attention. I went to her and she put her arms out to hug me and so I did. I also let her sing in the mic a few seconds before she got shy and gave it back to me. It was adorable. I went back on stage to end the song and thanked everyone.

As we started packing everything security came to me asking if I could come with him for a bit. I was confused but came with him anyway. Behind our doors was that girl that I had seen in the crowd.

"Hey, I'm Jenna Or-"

"I know."

I smiled at her as I cut her off.

"oh right...Uhm well- sorry this is weird but I'm such a huge fan and wanted to ask if you wanna take a picture for my Instagram."

"is that all?"

She nodded and I just waved the security guard away.

"wanna come in? We're just packing up but we can hang out for a bit."

She smiled widely and nodded. I smiled as I opened the door completely for her to let her in. I gave her a small tour and I introduced her to everyone. They all said they could pack without me so I could hang out with Jenna for a bit. I led her to my dressing room and she plopped down on a couch. I gave her a drink and grabbed myself some water.

"so what brings THE Jenna Ortega to a punkrock concert?"

She smiled.

"Well THE Jenna Ortega might be one of your biggest fans."

I chuckled.

"Didn't take you for the girl to listen to our type of music to be honest."

she chuckled and shook her head slightly.

"you don't know anything about me L/N"


I sat down next to her after I put on a shirt since I still wasn't wearing any. She smiled at me and took a sip of her water.

"So wanna tell me about yourself then, I would love to know something about you since apparently I don't know anything."

I said smiling. She thought for a second before she answered.

"Well I'm 20, I'm an actress but you apparently knew that. I have 5 siblings, 2 brothers and 3 sisters anddd I'm in LA for interviews."

I nodded.

"Sounds great."

"It is."

there was an awkward silence for a bit til she spoke up.

"so you got a girlfriend or something?"

I chuckled.

"And why are you so interested in that?"

She blushed and looked down

"No reason..."

"Mhm...Well at the moment no but I do have a huge crush on this girl, didn't even knew that she knew about my existence but apparently she does."

she looked up a bit.

"Oh yeah. Who is she?"

I smirked.

"Well, she has brown middle length hair, she is quite short it's super adorable how short she actually is, she is quite famous too."

She smiled a bit.

"and what may her name be?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"I would love to know yeah."

"Her name is Jenna."

She smiled and looked in my eyes. I laid back a bit and looked at her through my side eye for a bit. She eventually sat on top of me and forced me to look at her.

"Is this okay?"

She still asked inching closer to me

"This is more than okay Ortega."

I grabbed her neck as she put her lips on top of mine. We kissed for a bit and it soon became more heated when I put my tongue in her mouth. Of course I won dominance. As my hands explored her body the door suddenly opened revealing Ellie standing there smirking at us.

"play time's over Y/N. We gotta head out."

I nodded and waved her away. I grabbed a piece of paper and put my personal number on it.

"call me."

Jenna grabbed the paper and kissed my cheek.

"I sure will."

A/N: As someone who makes music this is 2 dreams coming true in this story xD. so I just had to write this. Anyway lemme know what you think and don't forget to leave your requests if you have any in the request chap. Byeeeeeee

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