Disgusting...do it again W/A

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Warnings: talk of a pocket knife


you're Enid's brother. Ever since Enid had a new roommate you weren't allowed in her dorm anymore and you weren't even allowed to meet her new roommate as Enid was sure you would flirt with her and you would get your feelings hurt...again. But one day Enid asked for your assistance on her date with Ajax and invited you to her dorm. Lets go


I knocked on Enid's door and waited for her to open it. To my surprise her new roommate opened it instead. I looked down at her. She had a black uniform...Weird, black long pigtails hanging on the sides of her head and an emotionless face.

"Enid, your brother is here."

She said in a monotone voice before she headed into her dorm again and sat behind...a typewriter...what the hell man it's not the 50s. I shrugged and headed inside seeing Enid pacing back and forth. I closed the door behind me and walked up to my sister.

"What do you need help with sis?"

She looked at me and ran over to me to hug me. I hugged her back of course and she buried her face in my neck.

"I'm scared Y/N, I don't know what to wear, I don't know how to act and what if he doesn't even show up...What do I dooooo?"

I took her out of my neck and made her look at me.

"E, calm down. I'll help you pick an outfit, you can act like yourself and if he doesn't like that I'll pay him a little visit and if he doesn't show up I'll put an arrow in his heart."

She nodded slowly. I then helped her pick an outfit. I let her change and she came out of the bathroom looking ready for her date.

"Okay, I gotta go or else I'll be late. Wish me luck."

"Good luck E."

"If he breaks your heart I'll nailgun his."

I heard her roommate say. I turned around to look at her but she never even looked up from her typewriter. It was nice to know she cared about Enid too. I hugged Enid and wished her luck one more time before pushing her out so she wouldn't be late. I then turned around to look at her roommate. I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder. She flinched and turned around glaring daggers at me.

"Hey I'm Y/N."

I said holding my hand out. She turned back around ignoring my hand.


She said in her monotone voice. Something about her being so mysterious made me wanna know everything about her. I sat down on Enid's bed knowing I had to be here when she returned.

"What are you still doing here?"

I looked up at her.

"Waiting for my sister to come back so I know how her date went."

I deadpanned. She hummed and went back to writing.

time skip brought to you by thing's middle finger

Enid stormed back into the door angerly. I stood up and went to question it but she was already yelling


my blood started boiling.

"He did what?"

I heard Wednesday stop typing but ignored it. I hugged Enid and she cried in my shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill him."

I said softly but also still mad at the fact that anyone would hurt my little sister. I heard Wednesday grab something from her drawer and stand up to walk out. I looked at her and saw that she had an actual nail gun in her hand and was about to confront Ajax. I laughed and stopped her.

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