Let me go T/C

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Warnings: death, gore, mentions of ghosts


In honour of Scream VI coming out next week I thought I'd do an angsty scream one. You and Tara are fighting ghost face but it doesn't end well for you. Lets go




I ran towards her voice. She was laying on the hospital ground with Ghostface on top of her. I charged towards Ghostface and pushed him off Tara. I was now laying on the ground next to Ghostface. They pinned me down and put the knife against my face. I felt the blood slowly streaming out of it. I tried to kick them off me but they were too strong.

The elevator door pinged and there was Sam with Dewey and Richie. Sam ran towards Tara helping her and Dewey ran to me while Richie ran after Sam. Dewey helped Ghostface off of me and kicked them in the face. I saw Sam, Richie and Tara standing in the elevator. I smiled knowing my girlfriend was safe. I saw Dewey struggling with Ghostface. I gave Tara one more look and smiled and nodded.

"Close the elevator Sam..."

Tara started crying when I said that and I just smiled at her. Sam did as I said and when they were out of sight I went to help Dewey. Ghostface had stabbed Dewey in the stomach. I tackled them on the ground but not before their knife hit one of my organs. I felt the sting in my body and blood came to my mouth. I fell on the ground and Ghostface was now on top of me. The last thing I could do was take off their mask


"Shut up Y/N!"

She started stabbing me repeatedly until everything went black.

Tara's POV:

It had been 3 months since Y/N's and Dewey's death. We had killed Amber and Richie and were now in New York. New start I guess. Y/N was always on my mind. Why would he do that? Why didn't he come with us? Why did he leave me alone? I was alone in my room sobbing quietly when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Stop crying over me baby girl."

I looked up to see Y/N standing in my room, covered in blood.


He nodded. I went up to him to hug him but I walked straight through him.

"I-..What's happening?"

He shrugged.

"I died Tara. And now I'm here. I have absolutely no idea how or what but I'm glad I got to see your face again."

I nodded and sat back down on my bed. I put my hands in my face and started crying

"I'm going crazy.."

Y/N walked up to me and sat down next to me. I didn't feel the bed change at all. He was here but also not here.

"You're not going crazy my love."

I stared at him. I tried to reach him but every time my hand just went through him.

"I'm sorry I left you. I just wanted...no needed you to be safe."

I started sobbing more.

It's been a few weeks since Y/N appeared in my room and he kept haunting me. He wouldn't leave me alone and every time I saw him I started crying. I was with Chad in his car right now and we were just talking when suddenly Chad put a hand on my thigh. I then heard him in the backseat.

"Chad, really? You can do better Tar."

I tried to ignore him. I put my hand on top of Chad's and tried to keep the conversation going. But Y/N kept talking too.

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