Fleek fest part 2 K/T

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Here's part 2

warnings: none


"I like you Y/N, like like you like you....Sorry I shouldn't have said and I'm stupid but I just wanted to let you know so I could maybe move past this and-"

"It's okay Torres, I like you too y'know."

She looked up at me

"You do?!"

"of course, wasn't it obvious? You're like the most beautiful girl ever, who wouldn't like you."

She chuckled and looked down again.

"Soooo now what?"

I looked at her with a smile.

"What do you want Kate?"

"I kinda wanna kiss you...Is that okay?"

I chuckled.

"That is more than okay."

She smiled and put her hand on my neck. I grabbed her softly by her waist and moved her closer. She softly put her lips on mine. It was a sweet kiss. She kept playing with my hair and I was just lost in the moment. We were both so out of the world that we didn't hear Allison knock on the door and opening it.


She shut the door close. Me and Katie both shot up and started laughing.

"Sorry mom!"

Katie shouted.

"It's okay sweetie! Can I come in now?"

"Yes mom jeez."

Allison came in and me and Katie were both blushing and smiling like crazy.

"what do you want mom?"

"I was just picking up your laundry, don't mind me."

"We are minding you!"

I looked at Katie.

"don't worry Allison it's all good. Take your time."

I said with a sweet smile. Allison smiled at me and looked at Katie.

"he's a keeper."


I laughed at Katie who was now super embarrassed. She gave me a death glare and I soon stopped laughing being scared of what will happen to me if I continued.

Allison left the room with the laundry and me and Katie broke down laughing. We then decided to watch a movie.

"Noooo those movies are so bad."

"How can someone not like spiderman?'

"How can someone LIKE it?'

"you're a disgrace to humanity."

She glared at me when I said that. But hey who tf doesn't like spiderman.

"Okay how about we just watch some 'friends'?"

She nodded at that and I grabbed her laptop to put it on. I laid down on her headboard and Katie laid her head on my chest and cuddled to me like a koala. It was adorable. After a few episodes I heard light snoring next to me. I looked over at Katie to see she had fallen asleep still clinging onto me. I turned the laptop off and put a blanket over us. I kissed her forehead and soon fell asleep myself.

2 months later.

Tomorrow the Torres family had another yes day and I was invited this time. But right now I first had to pick Katie up from school. I was expelled a while ago so I didn't go to school anymore. I was outside of her school standing against my car waiting for her while playing games on my phone. Some girls came up to me.

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