My best friends sister J/O

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Warnings: none


You and Aliyah have been friends for a few years and eventually became best friends. You had never met her whole family before because Mia, Mariah, Isaac and Jenna are always working and were never there when you were. This time there's a family weekend and you're also invited. A whole week with the whole family... Let's go

(You're trans in this btw)


I was getting ready for the family week with the Ortega's when my phone started ringing. I checked the ID and it was Aliyah facetiming me. I was half dressed but she's my best friend so it doesn't matter.

" 'Sup Al."

"Heyyyy Y/N/N! You almost ready?"

"Yeah almost just getting dressed. Can I get breakfast at yours?"

"Yes of course!"

I heard her mom yelling something in the background.

"Oh I gotta go help my mom get ready. See you in a bit!"

"Yeah of course. See you soon!"

I ended the call and continued getting dressed. I packed my bag since I was also staying the whole week there in the guest room. I was very excited to meet the rest of the family and to see my best friend again of course even though I saw her yesterday.

I hopped in my car and went over to Aliyah's it was only a 5 minute car ride so I didn't bother with music.

I parked in my usual parking spot next to their house and walked in since I had the key.

"Heyyy everybody!!"

Aliyah ran up to me and jumped in my arms.


I hugged her back and started looking around while doing so. The whole family was already there and were all busy with their own thing. I let go of Aliyah and walked up to Natalie.

"Heyyy Natalie. So good to see you again."

I said hugging her.

"It's so good to see you too sweetie, how are you?'

"I'm good. Need some help?'

She was making breakfast for everyone.

"No don't worry, go meet the family."

I nodded and walked off to Markus. I always game with him and we're good buddies.

"Heyy Mark what's up man."

He gave me a fist bump and went back to his game while talking to me.

"Not much just playing some Uncharted."

"Ohhh which one?"

I sat down next to him to look at the game on the big TV.

"A thief's end."

"Ohhh nice, have fun man."

I walked back to Aliyah who was sitting at the dinner table with some of her siblings I haven't met before. I sat down next to Aliyah.

"Hey I'm Y/N."

Everyone greeted me and introduced themselves. Isaac, Mia and Jenna.

I got to know them all a bit and Aliyah had to help Natalie to set the table since I was not allowed to help which was mean. I always wanna help out whenever I can with this family cause they did so much for me. Isaac went to talk to Markus and I don't know where Mia went but eventually I was alone with Jenna.

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