New guy (W/A)

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Info: you're new at Nevermore. that's all the info you get just read it

warnings: none


"Ah you must be Y/N, I'm the headmaster here, principal Weems."

I shake her hand and sit down across from her.

"You have quite an interesting school history. How did you get expelled in 5 school in 2 years?"

I shook my head laughing.

"They couldn't handle me, and to be honest I don't think this school can either."

Weems looked me dead in the eye and it was silent for a while.

"Well we usually don't take people in mid semester but since you have nowhere else to go we made an exception. Your dorm will be located in Ophelia hall. I'll have one of our students Enid Sinclair give you a tour. She should be here in a bit. "

I nodded and started looking around her office in the dead silence we were sitting in. She kept looking at me as if I was some sort of animal in the zoo. I fucking hated it.

Soon enough the door flew open and a way too colourful and happy student came skipping in.

"HI I'm Enid Sinclair! I'll be giving you your tour and also get your uniform!"

I was cringing at her happiness already. How can someone be so happy in this hellhole. I just nodded and followed her out. She kept ranting about everything about the school and I just zoned her out. As we were walking she bumped into a guy with a beanie on but I kept walking cause I didn't wanna listen into their conversation.

I went to sit at a bench in the corner of the quad and looked around. There were all types of outcasts and I felt like I didn't even belong in a school full of outcasts. They're all nothing like me. I got tired of it and went to my dorm that Enid had showed me. I luckily had a single room.

I just unpacked all my shit and made my bed for later as I knew I wouldn't have the energy to do so later. I put on some music and started putting all my decorations up. I know I had my music way too loud but I didn't think anyone would be in the dorms anyway so I didn't care.

After about 5 minutes I heard an annoyed knock on my door. I opened it to see a very short goth girl with a death glare.

"uhhh hi there?"

She glared at me

"Your music. Turn it off."

I gave her a questionable look


"I'm trying to write my novel but I cant concentrate with that monstrosity of what you call music."

I nodded.

"Alright I'll turn it down then. I'm Y/N by the way, I'm new here."

I for some reason wanted to keep talking to her. Something about her monotone voice and how she just says what she wants to say makes me intrigued.


I chuckled.

"Well that's an unusual name. Your birth day or something?"

"I was born on Friday the 13th. My name comes from a poem."

"Ohh cool. What's the poem?"

"Wednesday's child is full of woe."

I looked at her weird.

"Uhm cool I guess."

She gave a quick nod and walked away.

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