consequences V/C

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A/N: jesus im still alive. I have no motivation to write anymore so don't expect a whole lot stories anymore.

not proof read, go cry about it

warnings: talk of alcohol n shit

info: Vada has invited you to Mia's party. You get a bit too drunk and so did Vada....


You walk into the house where the party was. it was a huge ass house with lots of weird art. I guess Mia's parents like art or something. The house is already packed with sweaty, drunk teenagers as you look around for the girl who invited you here. You didn't know Vada very well, you had a few classes together but that's it. All you knew was that she was by far the most gorgeous girl you had ever laid your eyes on.

As you walked further into the house you went up to the kitchen to grab yourself a drink. As you grabbed a beer out of the bucket you looked around at the party. There were people dancing, doing drugs, drinking, playing games and some were even making out and almost fucking right in the middle of the dance floor. Drunk teenagers scare the shit out of you. You chugged your beer to catch up with the rest of the party not wanting to be the only sober one there.

As you grabbed your second beer a girl walked up to you. You recognized her from a few classes but you didn't even know her name. She was leaning against you and was obviously very drunk.

"Hey there handsome"

She slurred her words as she held onto your arm for stability

"Oh hey"

You said awkwardly not wanting to be rude to her.

She kept leaning closer and she was laughing at absolutely nothing. You started feeling super uncomfortable before you heard someone clear their throat next to you. You looked up and sighed in relief seeing Vada was standing there, arms crossed and glaring at the girl.

"Hey Vada, I was looking for you"

You smiled at her. She didn't pay you any attention as she pushed the girl away from you. You looked at her confused

"Alright not a fan of.... I don't know her name.."

Vada glared at the girl as she stumbled away to another guy and then she looked at you and smiled.

"You're late"

You smiled back at Vada

"I had to finish my shift but thanks for noticing"

You smirked at her. She just rolled her eyes and grabbed a red solo cup that smelled like it had too much alcohol in it. You took a sip of your beer and sat on a couch looking at the dancing teenagers. Vada sat next to you leaving no space in between the 2 of you as your knees were already touching.

"So why did you invite me here again. Don't get me wrong I love parties but well yknow we barley know each other"

Vada shrugged and took a sip from her drink. She seemed like she was already a bit drunk.

"Just wanted to invite you 'cause I think you're pretty and I didn't wanna go alone"

She said it like it was the most normal thing ever but it was a great thing the lights were dark enough so nobody could see you blush.

"Well that's one way to invite me I guess"

She looked over at you and smiled while holding out her hand

"Wanna dance?"

You chugged the rest of your beer and took her hand leading her to the 'dance floor' just the living room. You put your hands on her hips as she began to sway to the music. She then turned around so her back was facing you and she put your arms around her waist entirely making sure you held her close. She kept swaying to the beat of the music as you held her close.

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