My best friend's sister part 3

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Warnings: smut


It's been 2 days since me and Jenna got together. We've hung out with mostly me, Jenna, Aliyah and Markus. The rest of the family does their own thing. In a few days I had to get back to work and Jenna had to go to interviews. We still hadn't made our relationship public since it's very new.

Right now I was sitting with Aliyah in her room, her making tiktoks and me working on a new song. She spoke up.

"Hey Y/N?"

I hummed in response still focused on my laptop and guitar.

"What do you think Jenna will tell the interviewers about you guys?"

I looked at her and shrugged.

"That's for her to decide. I'm fine with whatever she does."

She nodded and went back to TikTok.

Jenna came into the room and ran into my arms giggling. I quickly put the guitar down and caught her giggling as well. Aliyah rolled her eyes.

"I'm here too you know."

Jenna clung onto me like a koala and stuck her tongue out to Aliyah who was glaring at us but secretly she was happy for us. I put Jenna down and saved my project on my laptop before turning it off and turning my attention towards Jenna.

"Wanna go on a date right now?"

She asked with the most puppy eyes I've ever seen. I smiled widely and nodded.

"Of course amor. Where do you wanna go?"

She smiled and hugged me.

"Coffee date?"

I nodded and kissed the top of her head then grabbing my shoes and heading downstairs with Jenna. We were both smiling way too wide and talking about what to get while getting ready. Once we headed out I was met with the bright sun and warm air. I smiled into it and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I felt Jenna grab my hand and drag me along with her to the coffee shop. We decided to walk there since it was nice out and we both loved walking. We were walking hand in hand and I noticed fans and paparazzi further down the street.

"Maybe we shouldn't hold hands, they'll get suspicious."

I whispered to her as we were getting closer. She looked down at our intertwined hands and nodded letting me go slowly. I gave her a reassuring smile since I saw she was feeling guilty.

"Sorry, I just don't wanna make it public. I like it how it is now."

She looked down and I made us stand still. I looked at her and made sure she saw my eyes.

"It's fine Jen, I know. I like it how it is right now as well so don't worry. Okay?"

She nodded and smiled again walking to the coffee shop. The paparazzi got in our face and I had to push some of them away and some were even pushing me. I got very mad at some of them and almost punched them in the face if it wasn't for Jenna stopping me. We wiggled through them not answering any questions and eventually made it to the coffee shop.

There were only 4 other people in there doing their own thing so I sighed in relief. We went to sit at a table in the back to isolate ourselves a bit. I put my stuff down and stood up again.

"I'll go get us some coffees, do you want your usual?"

She smiled and nodded. I headed off to the register to order and came back a minute later with both our coffees. We were just chatting and laughing while drinking our coffees. I wanted cuddles so instead of in front of Jenna I went to sit next to her. She just smirked and giggled while opening her arms to let me lay on her. I put my head on her shoulder and my hands were on her back and on her knee while her hands were giving me head scratches and holding me tight. We just continued this for a bit until I almost fell asleep from the head scratches. She stopped running her hands through my hair and looked at me with a pout.

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