My best friend's sister part 2 J/O

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Warnings: Verbal and physical abuse


After we got out of the pool I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Aliyah had her own bathroom in her room so I went and used that one. I turned on my phone for some music and sang along with some songs. After about 5 minutes I was done and headed out again. I put on some grey sweats and a hoodie and went downstairs.

Natalie made us all hot chocolates and we went to pick a movie. We all sat on the couch and discussed what to watch, eventually we came to Friday the 13th. Mostly me and Jenna wanted this since the rest didn't really like horror but they all agreed so yay.

Aliyah and Mia ended up falling asleep during the movie. I took a pic of a snoring Aliyah and posted it to my private snap story. Jenna whispered in my ear.

"You're gonna die when she sees that."

I chuckled and nodded. I whispered back in her ear.

"I know."

With an innocent smile I went back to the movie. We were near the end and everyone was bored of it. It was also already late and some people decided to go to bed. It was eventually just me, Markus, Jenna, Isaac and sleeping Aliyah and Mia. After the movie was finished Isaac went to bed and me, Jenna and Markus decided to watch another movie. We settled on hunger games. About halfway through the movie me and Markus decided to carry the sleeping girls to bed. I carried Aliyah to her room and tucked her in before heading back downstairs to finish the movie.

After the first hunger games movie was finished Markus also decided to go to bed. I looked at Jenna and she just shrugged.

"Shouldn't you go to sleep too?"

She shook her head and smiled at me.

"How about you, don't you need your beauty sleep?"

She asked innocently. I blushed and shook my head.

"Nah, wanna watch the second hunger games movie?"

She nodded her and grabbed the remote to put it on. I also went for the remote and we accidentally touched hands. We both apologised at the same time and chuckled awkwardly while blushing. I let Jenna put the movie on and we sat through it again. About a quarter in she laid her head on my shoulder. I didn't dare to move anymore and just moved my eyes to look over at her. She had fallen asleep. I chuckled to myself and turned off the movie. I sat like that for a bit and then decided to carry her to bed as well.

I picked her up bridal style and she stirred a bit but didn't wake up. I smiled down at her sleeping form. I carried her to her room and tucked her in nicely. As I wanted to walk away she suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Can you stay...please?"

She whispered to me. I blushed and nodded not realizing she had her eyes closed so she couldn't see I nodded.

"Yeah of course."

I whispered to her. She moved a bit so I could lay next to her. I laid down and made sure to keep my distance. She apparently didn't like this cause she pulled me closer and cuddled up to me. She had her head buried in my neck and she hung onto me like a koala. I was blushing like crazy and I'm sure she could hear my heart beat out of my chest. I eventually heard little snores coming from her and that calmed me down. I laid there listening to her sleep for a bit before drifting off to sleep myself.

"YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY!" my dad was yelling at me while my mom just sat there watching this happen. I felt tears in my eyes and couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Oh now you're crying, such a baby. This is why you can never be a real man!"

I cried even harder with this. My dad just laughed at me.

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