Fuck buddies J/O

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Info: you and Jenna both work on Wednesday. You became close on set...really close. You both acted on desires sometimes and from time to time you would help each other out...if you know what I mean.
Lets go

I accidentally published it before i finished it so dont mind that lmao

Warnings: smuttttt lot of smut


It was a cold day today. We didn't have any filming today...well I didn't. Jenna had to do an online interview for another one of her projects. We were both in her trailer. She was in the small office on video call. And I was bored.

I slowly opened the door to the office to see she had her laptop facing the other way as she did the interview. I slowly walked in and closed the door quietly as I leaned against a wall, standing behind her laptop. She looked at me....and I knew that look all too well. She was horny as fuck....

Jenna's POV:

I had to do the worst interview today. It was about the project I did before Wednesday and they wanted another interview for it. As I was on video call, I saw Y/N come in the room. It's like he knew I wanted him at the moment. I looked at him with the look that he knew as me needing him. I saw his devilish smirk and it got me more excited than it should've. He got under the desk where my laptop was on so I focussed back on the interview trying not to show that Y/N was now under my desk and slowly kissing my legs under my skirt.

He took his sweet time kissing my legs and thighs before he finally slipped my panties off ever so slowly. I put my hand in his hair and pulled it silently urging him to go faster. Meanwhile I kept my focus on the interview and answered questions like nothing was happening.


As I took off her panties I could see just how wet and needy she was already. I smirked and slowly kissed her inner thighs again before leaving a long lick on her clit, looking up to her hiding her reaction as she stuttered over her words in the interview. I started to slowly lick her clit, enjoying her taste as I inserted a finger into her. Her hands were in my hair pulling me more into her as she kept trying to do the interview.

Jenna POV:

"yeah I loved working with Maddie Ziegler, she's an amazing actress." I tried to say as I kept in the moans that I wanted to scream out from what Y/N was doing. The interview was finally wrapping up before the interviewer asked a question that made both mine and Y/N's ears perk up

"You're working with Y/N L/N again, as you did in Wednesday season 1. There are rumours about you and Y/N being in a romantic relationship. Is this true?"

Y/N stopped his movements. one finger still in me but doing nothing as he took his mouth off my clit making me sigh. I wanted him to continue.

"No, those rumours aren't true. Y/N is a great friend but that's it"

The interviewer didn't seem to pleased. He wanted some sort of tea here.

"Your character Wednesday, she has a few boys who are interested in her. Xavier, Tyler and Viktor (Your character). If you had to personally chose one. Which would it be?"

This got Y/N's attention as he looked up at me with that fucking smirk. I knew if I said anything other than Viktor he would stop what he was doing right now

"i'd say Viktor"

This pleased both the interviewer and Y/N as I felt his tongue inside me again making me wanna scream out but I kept myself composed hoping the interview was now over. The interviewer wrapped up and thanked me for speaking before he finally hung up. I closed my laptop and finally let out the moan I was holding for so long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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