"Greetings all"

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Taehyun sat in his little gray cubicle. Head resting on his hands, staring at the pile of evidence he needed to go through for about two hours now.

His first time on a real case.

And with the infamous "golden partner" at that. The golden partner was a title saved for the best defense attorney at their firm, Kim Sookwan.

He's won over 30 criminal cases last year, from what Taehyun's heard.
From grand theft, to murder, to drug cases, rape and more. He's won cases which were deemed nearly impossible.

A legend.

And Taehyun role model.

And after years of hard work, and rising through the ranks. Taehyun graduated first in his class back in Harvard law school. Worked his ass off to get an interview in the best law firm Korea had to offer.

All to work beside the golden partner.

First he had to, of course. Work on petty cases. Cases which honestly could've been solved in the parties would've actually talked to each other before filing a report. But people can be like that sometimes... and that's why Taehyun prefers to avoid them. Or human interactions in general.

More than not seeing the point in the same dull small talk of, "how have you been" and "how's work doing". He just simply does not care.

People say a person could only last as far without receiving affection from a loved one. But as it turns out, Taehyun is immune to the dangers of being lonely.

Sorry, alone*.

He's alone, not lonely. Just him, and it's fine.

And he's fine.

Taehyun stirs in his chair yet again, the continuing headache from this morning stubborn to leave. Probably a migraine due to the lights, he suspects.

The "Denver" case sat on his desk since last night, and he's been cooped in the gray cubicle ever since.

Searching, and researching. Reading statements, calling eye witnesses. Gathering data, entering said data into dozens of files. Correcting false information, then correcting it again, and again. Talking to the detectives on the case, only to get a few pieces of evidence that were only circumstantial.

Taehyun's first case. And it had to be the "Denver" one.

He closed his eyes tight, in an attempt to reset his brain. His hands going to loosen the tie circling his neck.

Don't they ever turn off the heat in this office?

1 murder victim.

3 eye witnesses

10 finger prints

Everything points at their client. But the lie detector test said he was telling the truth.

Taehyun's never met with him yet. He's not allowed to without the lawyer he's assigned to.

But he's heard the client refused to confess.


Taehyun jolted from his seat, his thoughts stopped to a halt by the phone next to his computer.

He shook his head to get rid of the invisible, momentary shock and reached the phone.

"Hello? Oh yes, yes. I'll be right there,  no problem. Have a safe flight Mr. Jung. Yes, I'll work hard, goodnight"

With a deep sigh, he gathered the pile of papers on his desk. Fixing them as much as he could before stepping out of the paralegals' department and to the elevators.

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