A Dream In Disguise

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"Taehyun? You okay? You're looking a little pale..."

"A little pale? He looks like he's cosplaying a wall."

Taehyun had leaned his knuckles on his desk, back slouched and shoulders lifted. He raised his head slowly at his colleagues comments, fully aware that they're more asking to mock him, than show real concern.

"Never felt better" Taehyun states in a hard tone, and collects the work materials needed for the first court hearing later that day.

Those back handed comments are not something foreign in their office, and Taehyun, being the one In the receiving end of it. Has learned to stay quiet and let them talk all they want.

He's about to leave the floor, when something catches his attention. The lack of a green lable on one of the files his elder colleague has in his hands while he chats with the pretty receptionist.

"What's this?" Taehyun points at the file, interrupting the pleasant conversation.

The guy looks at Taehyun with a not so kind expression, clearly irritated.

"What?" He snaps "you think you're the only one good enough to work on the criminal cases? Get your head out of your ass Taehyun, you're not the only star worker here." He spits, giving Taehyun disapproving eyes.

Taehyun backs away momentarily. Blindsided by the sudden attack.

But quickly gets back on his feet.

"That's not what I meant" his breathing gets static "it's supposed to be green labeled....." he whispers.

His co worker squints his eyes in disbelief, and turns over to the receptionist who's giving him the same confused face.

"Aren't you on the Denver case? Shouldn't you know that the only thing labeled green are the lead cases?" He scuffs "star worker my ass... " he adds "you know Taehyun, when we were rookies, mistakes like these were okay, but Shouldn't you be more professional by now?" He says with a more serious tone this time, and Taehyun's mind begins to swim.

"Mr. Kim told me-"

"You know what Taehyun, I really don't have time for you. I have a meeting to get to.."

he leans over closely and whispers so that only Taehyun can hear

"you know? Some of us actually have to do the work around here, not everyone has daddy to buy them a way at the company". then turns over to the pretty lady "see you soon Soo-ha". He winks obnoxiously, and storms off.

Taehyun stumbles a few steps back, his vision fogs for what he can only assume is the 10th time today. and with a shorted breath and shaking hands he runs out of the office, and sprints down the stairs.

He gets all down 20 floors before bumping into a solid body.

"Woah, Taehyun-shii. Where are you running off to?" Mr. Kim laughs, and fixes Taehyun's loose tie.

The young paralegal freezes in place, head dizzy from the collision. He looks at Mr. Kim, who looks straight at him and has his hand grabbing Taehyun's arm.

"The hearing is in half an hour, the cab's outside. You got everything?" He asks, eyeing the stack of papers in Taehyun's arms and goes to snatch them.

Taehyun flinches back.

"W-what are you doing?" Taehyun questions with suspicion, hands holding the documents protectively against his suit.

"I need to check that everything's here for the hearing. Is everything oka-"

"Yes! Everything's fine!" Taehyun snaps, sick and tired of hearing the same question playing over rand over again. Sick and tired of them seeing right through him.

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