The Piano

318 16 46

Kai sat on the cold floor, unable to digest what had just happened. his legs, that are sprawled on the tiles now move slowly to get him to a more put together, sitting position. he looks around, hoping that none of Taehyun's neighbors have heard the commotion and possibly decide to open their doors to see what with all the noise. or worse, they could call the cops.

he moves on quickly, taking off his own sweater to clean some of the mess the food had made in front of Taehyun's door. the last thing he wants is cause Taehyun any more trouble then he already has. plus, it was his idea to buy dinner, and it wouldn't be fair to leave without making sure it's all gone.

as the fabric soaks up the soup and oil from the cracked up containers, Kai's mind is bust thinking about the boy on the other side of the door.

the look he gave Kai, keeps flashing in his mind. 

the younger had seen numerous emotions play in Taehyun face, ranging from joyful, confused, lost, helpless.... sad.

but never angry.

scratch angry. that was an understatement for the rage in Taehyun's eyes.

and that's not to say Kai hasn't seen people look at him that way, because he has, and he had learned to deal with it. tell himself that it doesn't matter what they think of him, or how they may view him. after all, why would he care about their opinions, when they themselves don't mean as much to him. 

but Taehyun means something.

damn it, he means a lot.

and the worst part is, Kai knows well enough not to get attached to people like that. but like the reckless person he is, he had to steal a few moments with the elder. just to have a taste of what it feels like to be next to him. 

it's ironic isn't it? that he's right where he didn't want to be.

a sad cliché. a sad arc in a bad romance movie. he's been trough this before, enough times to know how it ends. 

he had convinced himself, that he never wanted comfort. never needed that, the safety in another person that will disappear right when they had enough of him.

he just wanted to live.


The aftermath of the explosion between Kai and Him hits Taehyun hard. Harder than he expected.

He distances himself away from the door, and backs into his kitchen wall, where he then crawls into a ball, while hugging his legs to his stomach, and rests his head on his knees.

He can confidently say, he had never cried this hard in his entire life. Never had experienced sobs that wreck his entire body back and forth.

It doesn't stop, not even after an hour , 2.... hell, even 3.

He doesn't even stop to wonder where those tears come from. At some point, it becomes a bit unfair..... doesn't crying mean that the pain eventually subsides?

Why does it still feel so raw?


Taehyun flinches, not having expected his, mind you shattered phone ringing.

He stares at his work desk, zero to no energy to actually go and pick up that phone call. But even so, he forces himself to stand up, loosing his tense body from being cramped up in the same position for too long, and goes to see who's the caller.


Dread fills Taehyun body whole he slowly picks up the phone.

"H-hello..?" Taehyun says in an hesitant tone, his voice more groggy than he had expected, and he leans his head on his palm while thinking how idiotic he is for answering while he's mid crying.

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