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"Remember, he's not friendly. It'll be hard to talk to him.." Mr. Kim reminded before they entered the room. they were in the prison premise now, hanging around the waiting room until someone gave them the all clear.

they opened the door, entering a mostly white room with nothing but a table and three empty chairs.

"the suspect will be here in a few minutes" the prison guard informed them "please, have a seat in the meantime"

Taehyun tried not to let his nerves show, hiding behind a not so well kept poker face, while inside he was pretty much freaking out. now, Taehyun isn't the type to get scared, or even slightly bothered by most things. but something about the situation made him feel uncomfortable, even when he knows.... nothing's going to happen.

call it a gut feeling, if you will. but something was not right, and Taehyun's restlessness hinted at that.

"don't worry, he's not hostile, violent or anything. just very quiet." Mr. Kim whispered when they settled in their seats, he probably felt Taehyun's tense up despite not looked at him once since they met outside of the premise.

Taehyun did a small nod in return and rested his hands on his lap, only now noticing how badly he's shaking. he just does not understand how him, a guy that didn't bat an eye in all of his professional trips to prison, is all of a sudden nervous for just waiting for a client.

he pressed his hands on the sides of the chair to hide the shakiness, and took a big, deep breath. this is just like any other case, he does not have any reason to feel like this, feel like he can't move.

"he's here"

a man in his late 40s walked in, accompanied by two prison workers who maneuvered his cuffs so that they'd connect to the table, and within a few minutes, they were left alone with the suspect of the murder case that shook the entire country to their core.

Taehyun swiped the sweat beads starting to form on his forehead, something was not right.

"Hanjun-Shii. nice to see you again. this is my assistant Kang Taehyun. how have you been?" Mr. Kim starts the conversation so naturally that Taehyun feels a bit in awe. while Taehyun is too jumpy to even understand what's going on, the talented attorney already manages to get a decent reply from their suspect, thus starting the meeting that Taehyun should also, be a part of.

"hello Sir. I'll work hard on your case, nice to meet you." Taehyun says his mandatory line with much difficulty, the stuttering only worsens throughout the conversation to the point that Mr. Kim has to send him a glare that reads "what the hell is wrong with you" .

Taehyun returns the glare with an apologetic head bow, and sinks in his chair, feeling like he's not only messing up in not showing his usual professional side, but also in not contributing anything to the meeting other then seating, looking like he's running out of air.

but then, right near the end, when he truly feels like he can't take it anymore, his eyes fixate on something, and his head tilts in confusion.

the client's hand, more so his arm, uncovered by the prison uniform that slowly rode up the more the meeting went on.

a hint of a tattoo.

Taehyun squinted his eyes, thinking he might've mistaken something else for the lines of ink of the man's hand. but it was clear as day, at least from where he was looking.

police descriptions, the witnesses statements he looked into just a few nights ago. with the picture he saw, the profile mug shots. every filmed record of their client showed a man with nothing but a small scar on his shoulder. no tattoos, no birthmarks. nothing.

Ignorance is a bliss/TyunningWhere stories live. Discover now