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Taehyun quickly turned away, and starts speed walking, his heart does a weird foreign act that he does not recognize. he tries to ignore it, but it only grows stronger at the voice calling him back.

"mister big shot!" Kai calls him from the bench, smile grows wide and toothy. 

Taehyun keeps walking, his poker face remains on as he turns around the curb.

he can hear Kai laughing at the distance, and his heart just that thing again. he hates it. hates how it feels weird, but so good at the same time. he does not know how to describe it, because again, it's not like anything he's ever felt. but he does notice the weight from his shoulder becoming lighter. he looks down, trying to see whether a few papers slipped from his bag, making it less heavy. but that's not the case. 

the ground's empty.

there's only a few more steps to the bus station, and it's not too far from the bench, close enough for Taehyun to hear the melody playing again, and it's different this time. lighter, but there's a hint of sadness to it, and Taehyun's ear perk up without him noticing.

"this is our drama" 

Taehyun feels a set of eyes burning his back, and he knows it's the same boy he saw last night in Yeonjun's bar. same weird boy, same playful voice, same mischievous smile. his mind wonders.... what's he doing here?

"you pass, and I'm in that very scene, spotlight, my seat under the light" 

Kai sings, and his brief giggle is incorporated in that very line, because the sunlight hits his face, golden hue on his eyes. he closes them for a second, momentarily blinded by the light.

Taehyun wants him to continue, he wants to hear the rest of the lyrics. 

"your sweet words that you threw at me made me want to play the leading role for a moment" 

"oh, oh, step one foot"

"oh, oh give me a highlight"

he sings, and Taehyun could've sworn there was a tiny bit of desperation in the tone Kai used.

"time to show my-"

"Somi!! Somi-ya!! where are you!?" a woman's voice goes over Kai's and Taehyun flinches, uncomfortable feeling sets in his stomach when the melody cuts off.

"Mom!" The child chirps and Kai looks as Somi jumps from the bench ,he immediately reaches out to stop the girl from tripping on her face due to her shoelace loosing up.

"Why are you?" The woman questions, quick to pick her daughter from the floor and distance them two from the unknown stranger.

"Mommy! Mommy! This Oppa sang me a pretty song!" The girl says cutely and the woman stares down Kai with suspicious eyes.

"Did you find her?" Another voice joins and it's a male around his late 30s. he eyes Kai with judgmental eyes, from the boy's torn up shoes to his messy attire and finally, his guitar. color peeling off the what have been a brown guitar, has only two strings attached to it, the rest ripped long ago. "what were you doing with my daughter?" he asks, and his angry expression is quite hard to miss, even from where Taehyun's standing.

"no need to get mad Sir" Kai talks calmly, a kind smile on his face as he puts both his hands behind his back to give a more formal approach. "little Somi was upset, she couldn't find you guys. and I can't turn away from a crying child looking for help now, can I?"

the father turns to Somi, and his expression does not rest.

"did this pervert hurt you Somi-ah?" he asks, and Kai smile falters down a bit, but grows wider almost instantly when the child shook her head definitively. the little girl crosses her hands in disagreement, furrowing her tiny eyebrows as a response to her father's rage.

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