Whistle Blower

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Taehyun walks into the blue-law building in utter protest and unwillingness. his steps are heavy, wishing to go back to where Kai had dropped him off and just stay the day with him. 

he grips his briefcase, going past security  and making his way upstairs to their office. his mind is both cluttered and completely empty.

"you'll be okay?" Kai asks right when they're about to part. 

Taehyun nods despite the heavy feeling in his heart. he feels like Kai can see right through his lie, heck, he most definitely can.

"I'll be professional. don't worry." he reassures after getting a skeptic response from the younger. 

now, on the elevator by himself, Taehyun wants to take back that statement. who said he had to be professional? it's not fair.

he doesn't want this.

doesn't want to join the meeting, or sit by the table. even if it's with great co workers like Felix and So-Yeon. he knows he has to, it's part of his job.

and hey- no one told him to go and fall in love with a witness. this mess is on him and his rather poor decisions.


in light of not having anything to do, Kai sits around for 5 minutes before he is bored out of his mind. having to run here and there for so long that resting feels impossible, he decides to be useful and do some of the cleaning around the already clean apartment.

he's dusting the furniture, cleaning imaginary dirt from the window frames, redoing the bed twice because the first time the sheet wasn't 100% wrinkle free. polishing the floors to pass the time, and doing the little dishes left in the sink from the other day.

changing the empty toothpaste tube for a new one and wiping down the sink from the water gathered on it when they washed their faces.

he does it all, until the apartment looks spotless, without a single thing misplaced.

he looks at the clock, thinking about how Taehyun must already be halfway done with the meeting.

he's done at 6pm... Kai remembers. close to dinner time.

will he have time for lunch? 

Taehyun once told him they rarely get time to eat at the office. so Kai does the only thing left, preparing a nice meal for his hardworking boyfriend. knowing how hard this day must be for Taehyun, because of him.....

he hates it. that it's his fault. his decisions, as right and calculated as they are, it hurts the people that he loves.

he can only hope good comes out of it. only time can tell. 


"why the grim face?" Felix does not miss a beat, attacking Taehyun as soon as he walks in the meeting room. "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"lay off him, Felix." So-Yeon comes to Taehyun's aid and he in returns gives her a small, thankful smile. "rough night?"

"you can say so.." Taehyun sits at his assigned chair, waiting for Miss. Rue.

"I heard we have some pretty big evidence to review today." Felix beams. "I kind of harassed Miss. Rue yesterday to tell me what it's about, but I got nothing." he laughs awkwardly.

the door opens.

"good morning everyone." Miss. Rue walks in with a stack of papers, a black tape and a to go coffee cup. "I hope you're all ready for the meeting." she places the stack in front of her seat and looks a head. "how are we today?"

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