Love And Murder

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"Kiss me, Kai"

"What..?" Kai asks in a voice so gentle, if there weren't the only ones in the bar, Taehyun might've not heard him.

The keys hang on two of his fingers, the small metal hoop holding the two keys together sliding off his index finger. Dropping them to the ground.

Taehyun eyes twinkled under the bar's yellow-golden lights. Flashing with want and regret.

"Kiss me, please..." he repeats just above a whisper. He looks at Kai's lips, then at the younger's golden eyes, them shining like a hundred glowing chandeliers.

Unlike their first Kiss, which was full of passion and certainly. This time, Kai's cautious, hesitant even.

As if waiting for Taehyun to change his mind any second now.

His hand is merely hovering over Taehyun's waist, not doing more than that.

Kai leans forward, and places a small Kiss on the plush of Taehyun's lips. Kai licks his lips and backs away just a bit, before going in again, for a longer, deeper kiss.

It's more intimate than Kai has even experienced.

He's had many partners before, none of them like Taehyun. He's gone through many dates, one night stands and more of that trash. None of them felt as good at Taehyun feels right now, not even close.

His casted hand, that was half touching Taehyun's waist, settles in the dip over the elder's hip.

The other hand, reaches, retracts hesitantly, and reaches once again to hold Taehyun face. His fingers at the back of the elder's head, buried in the black hairs. While his thumb strokes Taehyun's cheek in gentle repeatetive moves.

Kai parts Taehyun's lips with his tongue, eliciting a low, quiet moan from the elder that gives him a green light.

He sucks on Taehyun's bottom lip, causing Taehyun to shudder under his skin, and make his legs shake subtly.

"..Kai..." Taehyun moans when the younger moves from his lips to his jaw, biting Taehyun's soft, honey skin in his teeth.

"Hmm?" Kai hums gently, grinning against Taehyun's neck.

Taehyun closes his eyes, succumbing to the feeling of Kai touching him everywhere. And suddenly all he can feel is Kai, all he can breath, taste and think all comes down to the younger.

He's being lifting up, with two strong hands holding, and grabbing onto his thighs. He wraps his legs over the familiar, warm figure, hugging it with his body.

Kai backs them up into the wall besides the door, unintentionally slamming Taehyun onto the solid surface. But they both don't give it their attention, closed in their own little world.

Taehyun shoots his head back, gulping hard and panting as his whole body lights up on fire.

His heart beats louder, overwhelming his senses. He can hardly think right when Kai pulls the collar of his shirt down to expose more of his skin.

He feels Kai begin to abuse the same spot over and over again and he breathes shakily.

His whole body's on edge. and when Kai doesn't seem to have the intention of stopping, Taehyun has no choice but to dig his fingers in the younger's back.

Taehyun doesn't know whether he wants Kai to stop or go on, and he is in too deep to figure it out. He can't make the difference between having a good time and losing his mind. What's worse? Is that whatever it is, good or bad, he just wants more.

Kai slides his hand up Taehyun's shirt, his fingers grazing Taehyun's curves up, then down, feeling how Taehyun tenses up under his touch. He grabs Taehyun's bare waist, the skin hot and soft against his.

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