May Justice Win

165 12 8

he should probably stop staring. 

he should probably stop staring, get up and turn off the alarm.

he should probably stop staring, get up, turn off the alarm and wake Kai so they can go.

despite that, Taehyun stays laying down on the pillow, mesmerized by just how peacefully Kai sleeps. wishing he didn't have to cut short the younger's sleep knowing how much he needs that rest. 

the alarm keeps blaring. 

he rolls to the other side, fishing his phone blindly from the night stand, feeling thorough the surface until he feel that smooth square.

he pressed dismiss, and throws his phone on the covers.

they need to be out in 30 minutes. and neither of them is even slightly ready.

"Kai-ah.. " he nudges Kai softly, still with a groggy voice. "Kai, wake up.. we have to go in a bit."

Kai whines quietly, stirring in the white sheets. his eyes are still closed, hands fisting the blanket close to his face. if there are moments in which Taehyun is reminded of their age gap, it's the very moments Kai is asleep. 

years shave off his bright face, his cuteness overflowing when his mouth automatically pouts and his face buries into the pillow, pudgy cheek squished against it.

Taehyun sighs. The younger had been turning and tossing until the early hours of the morning and had only fallen asleep about 3 hours ago.

He seriously does not want to wake him up, not when he looks this comfortable.

"Kai-ah... " Taehyun reaches forward. Tentatively brushing through Kai's golden, fluffy bundle of hair. "We need to get up." He kisses the younger's cheek, hoping that'll somewhat help with the process.

The younger only whines again. Opening one very tried eye to look at Taehyun in exhaustion.

"...How long?" Kai croaks, turning to lay on his back while his arm falls on his forehead, casting away his eyes. His whole body is heavy, pulling like a magnet to the mattress begging from a few more minutes of blissful sleep.

"27 minutes."

Kai takes a deep breaths, filling his lungs with air before letting it go slowly. He cards his hand between his locks, finally opening two eyes.

Taehyun bites his lip, wondering whether to say something, or keep quiet and let Kai stew in his morning thoughts until he is ready to get up.

He opts to get up first, leaving Kai to lay on the bed.

"I look believable, right?" Kai peeks from the door, in a black and white suit Taehyun had convinced him to be tailored for. It sits perfectly, from the way it hugs his torso, lining his broad cheat in a way that his hoodies can't possibly.

his hair isn't styled like Taehyun, locks falling above his eyes in their old same way. after all, he doesn't need to be as presentable as Taehyun and the suit is only a formality. 

Taehyun stares, maybe too long.

"Big Shot? Focus, okay. Do I look like someone you can trust?" Kai panics, looking again in the mirror. "Be a jury for a second, pretend I've said something about the case... My step dad is scum Yada-Yada-Yada, does it sound believable?" Kai straightens himself, trying to pose a confident facade.

Taehyun raises an eyebrow.

"You're not actually going to say Yada-Yada in front of the judge are you?"

Kai smiles.

"I might" he jokes. Then takes a look at Taehyun stiff face and corrects himself quickly. "...Buttt I won't?- I won't." He clicks his finger, as if to prove he knows what he is doing.

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