So Simple Yet-

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they walked in slow paced rhythm. matching their steps without real intent to. the drops stopped on their way to the black and silver bike that was parked in the blue- law firm's underground parking lot.

Kai draped the ambarella shut, wrapping it neatly after clicking it in place.

it seems as if Taehyun's not over thinking about the meeting that had taken place earlier in his day. revisiting the things he said, and the things the head prosecutor had promised him. head full of thoughts, and concerns. he misses the way Kai looks at him when they're in front of the bike, and the younger holds the helmet for Taehyun to take.

but the older is too distracted to pay attention.

"Big Shot?" Kai raises an eyebrow, and leans closer towards Taehyun's face, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"what?" Taehyun gets out of his momentary daze, and looks at Kai. puzzled. "Sorry..." he says after realizing he had been spacing out.

Kai only smiles, and shakes the helmet as if asking again for Taehyun to grab it. he goes on the vehicle with his own gear, and only starts when he feels Taehyun's hands on his torso. holding tight, yet not feeling all quite present.

he wants to reassure Taehyun further. wants to tell him that everything will eventually be fine. but that will be admitting that nothing is currently fine. nothing feels slotted perfectly in it's place. not yet, maybe not ever.

and they both know it.

reassuring will only make Kai a liar. and he had already maxed out the times he is willing to lie to the elder in order to calm the storm down.

Taehyun mumbles something Kai can't fully comprehend. so before the younger starts driving, he asks Taehyun if he can repeat himself.

"My apartment's ready.." the older speaks quietly, in an almost, uncharacteristically timid manner. "I don't want you sleeping in the bar anymore." he demands more sternly. "it's cold, and unsafe. not to mention it's dirty, and you can get sick even if it's dusted. don't tell Yeonjun's Hyung but I think I even saw a rat there once, and let me tell you it wasn't fluffy and cute.. so unless you want that crawling on your-"

"Big Shot..?" Kai stops Taehyun's sudden, messy rant with a pleased smile. "if you want me to stay at your place, you just need to ask."

Taehyun sinks closer into Kai's back. hiding his clearly flushed face in the younger's shirt.

"That's not what I meant-" he replies in a cold voice that doesn't match his expression.

"ah- you just want me close to you? isn't it? while acting so worried..." Kai teases, shaking his head in pretend disbelief. tsking his tongue.

"whatever." Taehyun spits. "sleep with the rats for all I care.." he tries to sound unbothered, but his hand, that tighten around Kai's frame tell a different story.

"Whatever..?" Kai repeats after him. "Cute." He concludes.

"what? ya!-" Taehyun glares at Kai's back, annoyed, yet unbelievably flustered.

"hold on." is all that Kai says, not letting Taehyun fully scold him by stepping on the gas without proper warning and effectively silencing him.

Taehyun yelps. holding Kai for dear life. argument forgotten the moment they enter the fast lane and all he can think about is the speed in which they're driving, and Kai's body heat that is radiating out of him even in this cold weather. tempting Taehyun to edge closer to him.

so he does, fully relaxes. his cheek is pressed against Kai's back. and Taehyun closes his eyes, breathing in Kai's warm scent, the heat from Kai contrasting the cold wind in the most soothing way possible. suddenly, there isn't a scary road anymore, or irrational fears clouding Taehyun's mind.

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