The Real Me

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(strongly suggest listening to the song above as you read. enjoy!)

Taehyun does wait. despite having specifically told not to. 

he waits an hour, then two.

just sitting on the couch. waiting for the door to open, but it never does. 

at 2AM, he moves to the bedroom, tired and wanting to curl in his comforter. but it doesn't feel right without Kai next to him. 

it feels empty, like the spot inside him that aches whenever he can hear his own thoughts. it disappears when he's with Kai. dissipates into thin air leaving only a sense of settling relief and warmth.

he eventually falls asleep, despite the lack of body to press against. his sleep is light, and filled with worried thoughts.

every half an hour, he wakes up, naturally. opening his eyes only a silver to hopefully find Kai next to him, but even when he finally wakes up at 7am, to get ready for the meeting he has in the morning. Kai is nowhere to be found.

the restless sleep is evident in his eyes when they stare back at him as he brushes his teeth. 

the lack of Kai's presence makes the usual morning routine seem as dull as before. there's no out of pocket remarks, or the bright aura Kai brings to every room he steps in. there's no brief glances, shy smiles (mostly from Taehyun when Kai stares for longer than needed). 

no lingering touches here and there. Kai's hand on his waist as they wash their faces. the younger splashing water on Taehyun's face, laughing mischievously and Taehyun slapping his arm in return.

the morning coffee and eggs had been gradually changing into more sweet desserts and tea, to fit Kai's sweet tooth.

Taehyun hadn't realized just how much Kai had changed the way he used to live and operate, until he went through the morning by himself, and notices just how weird  it feels to not have Kai by his side.

the rest of the morning passes by quickly. and before he knows it, he's at Blue-Law ready to step into the conference room where the emergency meeting occurs. 

prosecutor Rue called the meeting late last night. saying something about a big change in the formation of the trial, and that everyone on the case is obligated to arrive first thing in the morning.

Taehyun quickly learned the pace, and system of which the company works in. specifically the department he had been put in.

despite the initial shock of working anywhere that was not Hybe, it had taken him less than a day to feel at home. in not only because the team on the Denver case was consisted of people professional and with work ethic that he could only dream of having.

it's not like Hybe didn't have hard working employees. in fact, Hybe only ever accepted people from the top law schools. people with existent achievement, and a glamorous repertoire. 

but with the status, and impressive skillset. comes the cockiness, competitiveness. it became a race, of who can beat who. who can win more cases. and the ones who struggled, were fast overpowered by those who succeeded. 

if you didn't win your first case, your second, and your third. your future in the company was over. you weren't invited to any of the work events. you weren't considered for future promotions, and you were not given any other cases. 

luckily for Taehyun, who have had a perfect winning streak on his first year. none of that applied on him. but he had seen other people fall under the pressure, the cold treatment from the other workers take a toll on them. eventually, they had quit, leaving only a small chunks of who had been hired to get promoted.

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