bottom of the barrel

551 24 37

"Greetings, all" the cheerful voice rang through the entire bar and bounced back to Taehyun, who made no effort to turn around and check the source of the noise.

Yeonjun looked up, eyes looking fondly at the person behind Taehyun.

"What are you so formal for?" Yeonjun asks and the boy takes a few steps, approaching the other side of the counter.

Taehyun tunes out their conversation, hand resting on his palms while he sips on the last few drops of alcohol.

"Can't us peasants do anything we want? Why, oh why please tell me. why this world is so cru-"

"You suck at this" Yeonjun cuts the golden haired boy in his mid act.

Kai gasped dramatically, his mouth goes up in a slight mischievous grin as he takes a seat on the bar.


"So the regular?" Yeonjun asked while he wipes his hands on his apron and takes a second to glance at Taehyun's slouched frame from the corner of the bar before returning back to Kai.

"Yes, please! Mint chocolate milkshake, extra chocolate extra whipped cream, extra sugar in general" Kai chirps while tapping the counter in a rhythmic manner.

"Long time no see" Yeonjun takes the time to chatter with the younger, who he hasn't seen in nearly 3 months. He takes the ingredients from the kitchen and comes back to scan the younger's appearance.

The younger's hair is disheveled, soft looking but messy like usual. His frame still slim from the last time Yeonjun's seen him. Sometimes he wishes Kai would agree to let Yeonjun treat him for a good meal, but after many rejections, he stopped trying.

"where are you staying tonight?" Yeonjun asks.

"Wherever...." Kai said while spinning mindlessly in his chair, his curly hair strands flowing carelessly as he does.

"Can't you just crash at my place tonight?" Yeonjun suggests in a tentative voice, although already knowing the answer.

"Hmmmm... no thank you" Kai stopped the chair, and reaches to grab the long glass filled with green and brown mixture of sweet and refreshing goodness. His eyes shine bright and he takes a sip.

"Is a bench better than my couch?" Yeonjun asks skeptically, patience running out slowly.

"...presumably" Kai says when the straw leaves his mouth and he hums in delight at the flavor.

"Why are you so vague?" Yeonjun wonders with a tired face. Two dongsaengs, both stupid. Each one in their own dumb way.

"It's my concept hyung, I can't help it"

"I thought your concept was being all.... Victorian and shit?" Yeonjun questioned while squinting his eyes in annoyance.

"Hmm..." he though a few seconds before answering. "Changing concepts is my concept"

Yeonjun couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh heavily, nothing he wanted more than to give the kid a good smack on the head.

His hands stretch on the counter of the bar and his head already develops a migraine.

"Just drink your heart attack and go" he says after a while and his eyes check on Taehyun for the third time.

Kai catches the subtle glance, head turning slowly to see what his Yeonjun hyung was looking at. Eyes falling on a guy, around his age. Dark straight hair styled in messy bangs. Leaning over the counter, finger trailing the edges of an empty drink glass.

"Who's the guy?" Kai asks with amused eyes. The picture of the slumped, what is seemed to be office worker flashes in his mind and he suppresses a laugh.

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