Chasing Time

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Kai clicks on the document and finally, after many minutes of expected waiting for the file to download into the crappy, old computer. the video opens up. He presses a few buttons to speed the recording along. Eventually getting to where he wants after skipping through 5 hours worth of filming.

"Got you..." He exhales in relief, smiling to himself. he looks at the figures on the screen and leans both his elbows on the dark counter top, breathing slowly.

Kai takes a napkin from one of the stands. Scribbling down the numbers 25:09:13.

The recording continues on playing and Kai watches the type for 3 times before eventually concluding that there isn't anything else interesting happening.

he clumsily maneuvers his way into saving those two valuable minutes of recording. saving them into a protected file.

"now, what do I do with you?" he mumbles to the disk on key sitting at the side of the computer. wanted by many people. yet, Kai is the one who managed to snatch it first.

talk about making people mad.. again. it's a talent. a Kai special, if you will.

it's not like he does it on purpose. if you ask him, he'd be happy to be in good terms with whoever may come in his way. it's just so happens that he entered a league that isn't his.

when this is all over. he will silently return back to his own place in this messy world's hierarchy. back to singing at the streets. back to sleeping near the Han river, worrying about nothing. back to not owing anything, not even to himself.

back to the park, to his piano. back to real life.

when this is all over.

until then.

Kai closes all the tabs on the computer, feeling as his mind clears up along with the searches. he leaves the chair, and heads over to the kitchen with the disk still secure in his hand.

he explores the marble cabinets for a bit before finally finding what he's been looking for. hid fingers skip through most of the things in the drawer until pulling a butter knife that looks sturdy enough, but not at all sharp.

the drawer closes softly. and Kai holds the knife in his hand, and heads back to the tables area.

"sorry Yeonjun Hyung.." Kai winces from the effort, feeling sorry for the wooden tiles as he lifts one up. the one creaks, bending, but fortunately for him, not breaking into half. Kai drops the disk on key under said tile, and lays it back carefully, making sure it does not create an obvious bump beneath the surface.

looking at the clock, Kai gets the feeling of exhaustion and discouragement. he should go to sleep.

But there's just one thing he needs to get done first.


"Kai-ah..." Yeonjun gasps softly, seeing the young boy smeared on the bar, sleeping on the register's chair with his cheek squished to the table.

Yeonjun turns on the lights. Signing before deciding that's despite his reluctance to wake up the obviously tired boy. He and Taehyun have a meeting with the prosecutors in-


in half an hour.

"Kai!" Yeonjun throws all tenderness and gentle behavior out the window the second Yeonjun checked the time.

He shakes the poor boy violently, screaming in his ear.

"Wake up! Kai! Wake up you little shi-"

Kai yawns deeply, opening his heavy eyes to see Yeonjun's frantic look. He squirms in the squeaky chair, it providing a high pitched noise that makes him wince.

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