Hot Cold And The Things In Between

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"you okay?" Kai asks in a soft tone, the melody of the guitar strings now mellowed down to a simple canon, repeating itself, taking the job of the background music to their conversation.

It's been about an hour since Taehyun's parents had left. And only in the last 10 minutes Taehyun has calmed down enough to exchange a few words with Kai.

Taehyun nods, too tired to talk, really. the meeting with his parents had taken most of his morning energy, and all that has left was the pressure in his head from the excessive crying fit. he sinks deeper into the blanket, finally with enough courage to look at Kai. he sighs.

"I want to go home..."

Kai playing halts. his fingers lingering on the strings.

"let's go." He says in a confident voice.

Taehyun shoots him a confused face.

"I have to stay for observation.." he reminds Kai. but the younger is already gathering his things. piling the papers from the table into his hands and put them carefully into the bag he brought them in. Placing the other empty bag, that had contained clean clothes for Taehyun in the cycling bin.

He's tidying here and there, making sure the room is as clean as it was when they first came in. Not wanting to leave the mess for the staff to clean. Knowing that they have enough work as it is.

"the nurse said I need to stay." Taehyun wants to argue.

Kai stops whatever he's doing, looking straight at Taehyun. the state of the elder causing something in his heart to shift. he doesn't know exactly what he's feeling. if it's lack of unfairness, anger of sorts. or protectiveness.

he sees Taehyun tear brimmed eyes, and can't help but feeling... feeling something. whatever it may be. just like last time, his job, is to make Taehyun forget. to ease the pain.

"you don't need to do anything Big Shot. do you want to go? do you feel uncomfortable?"

it's as simple as that for Kai. whatever Taehyun wants, that's what they'll do.

"yes. I want to go." Taehyun answer before his brain can catch up to what Kai's question was.

it's always like that with Kai. he never truly thinks before acting. never rehearses his words, or replays the other's sentences 5 times in his head before forming an answer. he just... does.

and it's weird, foreign even. how natural it feels.

"come on." Kai holds one hand towards Taehyun. gesturing the elder to take it. he offers a kind smile. a genuine smile.

one that does not fail to make Taehyun grab Kai's hand without further questions. he follows Kai wordlessly, as if enchanted by the other's body language. and the way he carries himself, so much that he does not question where Kai is taking him, and why he's ignoring the nurse's request.

with one smile, Taehyun worries dissipates into thin air, and all he feels is a calmness setting in his heart, almost as if he had injected a sedative.

"where to?" he hears Kai asks as soon as they leave the hospital's premise. they head towards the parking lot, hands intertwined together.

"I'm hungry."

Kai chuckles at the demanding tone, taking a glance at Taehyun's serious face with too much fondness in his eyes.

"Say no more, my prince.." he teases. Laughing as Taehyun slaps his arm playfully.

He grabs the Keys to Yeonjun's Bike from his pants, spinning them on his finger as a habit of his.

He's glad Yeonjun insisted to leave his vehicle in the parking lot for them to use. Despite Kai telling him there's no need.

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