Next Subject- Emotions

210 13 30

"Huening Kai."

the rum bottle in Yeonjun's hand slips from his grasp, it knocks on the marble counter and falls sideways, spilling liquor on the surface.

"ah- Shit!" Yeonjun pulls himself together and snatches a few paper towels from the stand behind him to soak up the liquid.

"do you need any help?" the man asks, in a slightly panicked tone over Yeonjun's unexpected reaction.

Yeonjun shakes his head, one head messaging his forehead while the other cleans up the mess. he stands there with the wet paper towels for a good few minutes before sighing, and looking up at the man.

"you're Kai's dad?" his tone is conflicted, as well as his feeling towards the elder man. he wears a disappointed, confused yet relieved expression. it's too much all at once, and he feels many other things deep inside that he does not know how to express.

 "I reckon from the casual speech that your friend's theory is correct." the man smiles in embarrassment. his eyes turn bright, and he add in a more hopeful tone. "you know my son?"

Yeonjun huffs. saying that he knows Kai is a bit much. still, he is too in shock to say anything, what are the chances of Kai's dad rolling here of all places. and why did he decide to come back now, after all these years.

he said some things changed, but he still abandoned Kai. it's been years since, but the fact that he left his son to deal on his own with an unstable mom and a ton of debt does not look better with the passing of time.

"we're acquai-"

"Hyung!" Soobin cuts his off with a silent yell from table 5, may god take their souls and place them in hell for eternity because they are ruining an already bumming shift for Yeonjun.  

Yeonjun stares at the table with tired, raging eyes. he tells Kai's father to wait for him while he goes to take care of the problem rose from the chips that Yeonjun is sure are hot, just like him.

"what seems to be the issue?" he fakes a strained smile, but his eyes send death glares to the couple part from the large party at the table.

"My chips-" the girl, wearing a heavy layer of makeup, a ponytail so tight that it's probably killing all the brain cells in her head which is the only explanation to why she is so stupid.

"these chips?" Yeonjun points at the ones he has been reheating for the last half an hour and he's pretty sure that is just vegetable abuse at this point.

may the potatoes gods forgive him for his sins.

the girl nods, a bored expression on her face as she plays with the ends of her ponytails.

"yeah, we serve them cold." Yeonjun smiles. "it says so on the menu." he bluffs.

the girl raises an eyebrow. and smiles in disbelief, looking at her boyfriend before replying. 

"no it doesn't"

"yes it does." Yeonjun's tone turns cold. "if you have a problem with our cold, soggy unseasoned chips you are more than welcome to get out." his voice is slightly raised by the end of the sentence. "I like my chips cold as fuck and this is my bar so that's how I serve it. eat it or go."

he walks away, not before catching a glimpse of Soobin's shocked face. yeah, he doesn't usually snap at people like that . he is the understanding one between him and Beomgyu, even Soobin at times. lately, everything has been so unbelievably hectic. 

helping Kai with the case, talking to the company who's supposed to come by and fix the windows but they have been ignoring his calls since this morning. maybe it's because he's constantly underpricing their offer. 

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