lost and found

304 16 58

Mr.Kim: picture is attached. See document. Kai Kamal Huening, 23, male. No current address, no current  employment

Taehyun stares at the screen, body unmoving for what feels like forever. His mind swims painful as he reads over the message again and again

Kai... is the step son of their client?

His Kai, the young, shiny eyed boy. The one picking him up at the train station, when he was dazed out of his mind, and drove him back to the safety of his own home. The boy he found peace in, a thing he thought he could never feel in such a pure way.

Kai who bought his vanilla ice cream in front of the Han River, with the thought that it might calm him down.

That Kai... had lied to him all along?

Anger rises in Taehyun, as his eyes hover over the words.

Kai Kamal Huening.

Without thinking, Taehyun grabs his phone, and swings it across the room, smashing it in pieces.

He pants, breaths so deep and violent he can feels the air pumping in his lungs.

He looks at the shards, pieces of his now, destroyed phone. Some of which land of his desk, littering the piles of documents he had worked on just a couple of days ago.

Documents that he had foolishly left laying around, for anyone to see.

Documents he had let Kai have access to.

Fear washes over Taehyun, and he rushes through the desk, ruffling the papers to find the most important, confidential ones.

"No...no,no..,no..." he mumbles, his hands shaking so aggressively, a few papers fly from his hold to the floor.

"Fuck!!" A yell escapes his lips, and he slams his fist on the table, a few pieces of metal and other sharp objects lodge into his skin as he does so, but the pain is barely even noticeable.

The file is gone.

Sweat drips from his forehead on the pages, and his face pales by the seconds.

The medical file for their client is gone. The one and only copy of it.

A headache comes rushing in so suddenly, that it knocks Taehyun on the ground, and he withers in pain. But the rage in him only gets stronger, and consums every cell in his body.

He feels so stupid.

And there's nothing, nothing Taehyun hates more than feeling like someone had outsmarted him.

That's what you get for letting your guards down, Taehyun thinks whole a tear on anger rolls down his face.

That's what you get for trusting a garbage scum off the streets.

His parents were right... the only thing worth his time is his job. And now, losing the most important piece of evidence they had, he doesn't have that either.

The headache either subsides, or the anger in Taehyun overpowers it, because the minute the door opens, he gets off the floor, and glares at the figure skipping to the living room.

"Hey! Sorry it took so long, I thought you might want to eat after your stomach is better. So guess what? I stopped by the restaurant to pick of some fried thingies for dinner and-" the cheery voice stops, and Kai's steps halt with it. Looking carefully at the distant, cold eyes piercing holes into his body.

"Taehyun...?" Kai asks, feat circulating his body. "What's wrong?"

the older laughs. But it's not a happy giggle... no... it's one that sends shivers through Kai's body, and he backs away.

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