The Benefits Of A Heartbreak

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Taehyun laid in the hospital bed staring at the white wall of the room, it feeling empty the moment Kai left.

He pulled the blanket closer to his face, nuzzling in it until the smell of sharp chemicals hit his nose and he winces. Pushing the scratchy blanket away.

He's irritated. Like always.

The calmness that Kai had brought with him soon died and replacing it was the constant noise from the air con, providing him somewhat of a sound to fall asleep to.

At least it's better than silence.

The thing is.

Taehyun used to love silence. Crave it even. He would hate having someone near him, always pushing people away.

Even the mere sound of another breathing in the same room would keep Taehyun on edge. Not allowing him to fully relax and get work done.

He should be happy Kai left. And Yeonjun and Beomgyu too.

But why isn't he?

Why does he feel a lump in his throat?

He slips his arm under his head, and uses it as a pillow. Then lays on his side, curling into a ball on the hard bed.

Why are hospital beds so uncomfortable? Is this a requirement? Do people get better from lack of proper sleep?

Make that make sense won't you?

He sighs deeply, fighting the tears at the back of his throat.


Why does he feel so upset?

The pit in his stomach grows bigger. And he feels the need to hold something in his arms. His fists clench and open, restlessly.

He repositions himself again, head landing harshly on the pillow. He groans deeply, shutting his eyes tight until he can see white spots flickering in the blackness of his vision.

His mind starts to wander when he enters the state of insomnia, which he only began to familiarize himself with a few weeks ago.

Is he really going to blindly trust someone he had met less than a month ago?

Taehyun had grew up learning that homeless people, poor people. Were the low of society. People who have achieved nothing, and became nothing.

Nothing but a manace to the higher class.

The ones that drag Korea's reputation, and economy.

Leechers. As his dad would call it.

Taehyun had never questioned it. Nodding as if he agreed to that opinion. Because it was never something he had encountered.

Until he became a law worker.

So he had to deal with all kinds of people. From all sorts of classes.

A poor mother who got scammed out of her only remaining expenses. Was the first petty court case assigned to him.

And his first interaction with a lower class person.

Safe to say it had only planted his parents ideas and ideals deeper in his head.

Poor people, were as low as their status. Their mindset, their brutal, aggressive and insensitive actions. Everything about them screamed "inferior".

And so, naturally, Taehyun thought his parents were right after all. Because they are always right.

At least, that's what they keep on saying.

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