Authors Note Before You Read

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Hola Bitchachos!

I'm back with another werewolf story to those of you who came from my first book, "Back With A Vengeance", and wanted to give my second book a chance.

FYI, the two books are not connected at all.

Anyways, let's get to the important stuff I want you to know.

A) I am 14 years old, so this book will obviously have some plot holes and grammatical errors. Alhough, I will try to edit it and eradicate as many errors as I can. I just wanted you guys to know this so that you can keep an open mind while reading. I edit my books by myself. No one helps me with anything concerning my writing so, once again, there will be errors that I will miss.

B) If there are any errors that you want to point out, can you please do it nicely? I'm open to constructive criticism, but I absolutely detest it when people just intentionally say mean things to people without thinking about how the person feels. So please, I'm asking you to be nice because I'm a kid– yes, I'm using that as blackmail, sue me– and I get hurt easily.

C) This book is a result of my imagination and is a fictional work, so if it is similar to any real life situations or events then it is completely coincidental.

D) This book may seem cliche in the beginning, but it gets twisted in a few chapters. Just keep reading to find out why😜

E) Do. Not. Steal. My. Work. It's not cool. There's a lizard under the tree near your house. I sent it there. It will inform me if anybody tries to steal my works and I WILL find you, and when that happens, well, I won't say anything...

If you want to write a story based on or inspired by my book, you can ask me for permission or give me credit. Don't outright go and say it is yours. And if you dare to steal my work...

Remember the lizard 🦎

And I own a gun

Well... my Dad owns a gun- but that's besides the point.

It is more resourceful than you think.

F) In this book, there will be mention of bullying, depression, physical and emotional abuse. I do not encourage any of these actions and if you're suffering from or are a victim of any of the above, please seek help from a person you trust. Please, your mental health is the most important thing here and if you are sensitive to any of these topics then please don't continue.

For those of you who are suffering from abuse or you know someone who is suffering from abuse, I don't know any help lines that you can contact. But there is a site that you can go to that has some.

It will lead you to a site that can hopefully help you.

Once again, I DO NOT encourage bullying and abuse. I'm just doing this to spread awareness and to let you know that there are people out there who suffer from this.

H) Don't be afraid to tell me your opinions– or the nicer versions of it–  and questions about the story in the comment section. I'm always open for improvement and to talk to new people.

©️ Copyright 2023. Belongs to @Fire_And_Ice_1813.

But on a more serious note guys, if you find this book on any site apart from Wattpad and Inkitt, then it has been stolen from me so please tell me because, honestly, stealing people's hard work and making it your own is not cool.

Please, don't be uncool.

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