|3| A new start?

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Alexa's POV

We walked in silence until we stood outside the door to my next class. By now, the hallways had already emptied out as the late bell had rung a few minutes ago.

I was about to turn open the door handle and enter the class when he held my wrist and those stupid shivers wracked my body. I turned to meet his black ones. He looked to be a little nervous.

"Um... I'll see you after class." And he gave me a smile. Not an evil grin or an arrogant smirk, but a genuine, heart warming smile.

I gave him a nod and a small smile of my own, still unable to form words for his wonderful yet peculiar behavior. Maybe he really does want me now.

"But why now? Why couldn't he love us before?" Alia whimpered.

He let go of my arm and I quickly entered the class without a backward glance and made a beeline to my seat. But I couldn't help but notice that Cornelius wasn't in any of our first classes.

Maybe he also didn't really want to be my friend. Even though I was used to it, it still kinda made me a bit sad.


It was finally lunchtime, and let me tell you that I was starving. My Aunt didn't let me eat last night for some stupid reason, something along the lines of "I'm an ungrateful bitch" or "I'm too fat."

I try as hard as I can to not let people's words affect me, but no matter how hard I try or how untruthful that I know they are, I can't help but believe them and doubt myself.

Maybe I am fat.

Maybe it would have been better if I wasn't born.

Maybe I should just die an-

"Don't you dare complete that thought, Alex" Alia scolded me, "None of that is true. I'm here for you, and what all those other people say, don't matter. They have no idea what pain we go through and everyday, so their words don't have the right to be given a second thought."

I shook my head of the negative thoughts. Alia's right, they don't matter.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

"I know. I'm just so amazing. What would you do without me?"

I chuckled, "Probably would be dead. Literally."

I walked into the cafeteria and stood in the line. After I purchased my salvation, I walked out to the tree I usually eat my lunch. It's the perfect spot because it is away form the noise and my tormentors table, so I'm able to eat my food in peace.

"What's up, Alexa?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice beside me. I turned to see Cornelius standing beside me.

Huh... I thought that he'd be gone by now. None of the other new students ever bothered to speak to me again after I showed them around... Or after they heard of my defect.

Maybe it's because he's human? But the humans also did it.

"Why are you here?" He seems a little confused at my question so I elaborated, "Why are you still talking to me? I already showed you around yesterday."

"Umm... Because I want to be your friend?" He said

I'm a little shocked by the revelation but quickly compose myself and asked him, "Why?"

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