|6| Unknown Number

130 12 6

Alexa's POV

I woke up with a groan, pain erupting through my body. I tried to move a little to find out that I'm laying on the carpeted floor of my Uncle's living room.

Argh! What happened? I'm so tired.

"We got beat up by our Uncle and our blood circulation got cut off by a scary Water Elemental." Alia said tiredly.

Oh yeah!

Wait... What?

"I can see that you're processing this information slowly due to the shortage of oxygen to your brain. Let me give you a few seconds." She said and sat down and rested her wolf head on her front paws.

I groggily knitted my eyebrows in confusion. It took a little while before I understood exactly what she said.

I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position. I took a glance at the clock to see that it's barely after 2 in the afternoon. Based on the lingering scents, I'd say that no one had been here since last night. Nobody was home based on the lack of sounds too.

Good. I don't want to see their faces.

I groaned as I tried to get up, using the armrest of the couch for support, each movement making pain erupt through my abdomen and neck.

Slowly but surely, I eventually got up- after falling on my ass twice- and started limping my way to the kitchen to get an ice pack. Once I was able to get it, I immediately put it over my bruised ribs, the part that received most of my Uncle's blows.

I looked up the stairs, debating whether it was worth it to climb all the way up to get to my room, or if I should just forget about it and lay on the couch which is starting to look like the better and less painful option.

"As much as I'd like for us to just lay on the couch and not get up until tomorrow, it's better if we go upstairs, just in case Uncle dearest decides to come back we'll at least have enough time to brace ourselves for an impending attack."

"Do you know how much I hate you right now for being right?"

"Yes, yes I do."

I sighed and looked up at my impending doom and started the long journey up.

15 minutes and 5 times falling on the staircase later and I'm finally on my bed.

I laid on my back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling lost in thought.

Who were those guys? The image of the scary Water Elemental and his cold face gave me uncomfortable shivers. I have a bad feeling that won't be the last time I'll see him.

What were they discussing with my Uncle? And why did he ask the man if I was 'up to his standards'?

Does he want to... sell me? No, that's not possible. My Uncle hates me but he wouldn't go to the point of doing that to his sister's child, right? Sure he'd beat me up, but sell me, nah.

He's not that heartless.

"But what if he is, Alexa?"

"What do you mean, Alia?" I questioned.

"Alexa, I know that he's blood and all, but people are unpredictable. I mean... he and his family abuses us. He hated our mom, but his reason for hating her and us is completely invalid."

"I know." I sighed

"We need to tell someone, Alex." She stated.


"We can't keep doing this. I get the fact that we're trying to not get him in trouble with Alpha and Luna by keeping quiet, but I've had enough!" She all but screamed in my head.

It's true. All this time, I've kept silent about their constant maltreatment of me, hoping and praying that they would see their error and take care of me like family should. Even though I know that if I had told Alpha and Luna, they would have immediately taken me into their care, I knew that they would have punished Uncle, Aunt and Jack.

I just don't want them to get hurt. Despite the fact that they hurt me, their the only family I have left and I don't want to lose that. I'm trying to help them, to not get them hurt.

But what's the point of protecting someone who would never do the same for you?

And Alia's right, again. We need to tell someone about this. That man is unpredictable and he might actually do something terrible to me if care isn't taken.

But who am I going to tell? The Alpha and Luna travelled out to another pack for something important, and they won't be back until the end of November and in the meantime, my Uncle and Aunt are in charge.

If I say anything to the lower ranks, they may find out and things will be worse for me. And there isn't anyone else I trust.

I need to act fast, but what am I going to do?

Just then, my phone vibrated from the nightstand beside me. Huh, that's strange, no one texts me.

I slowly picked it up and looked at it's cracked screen. A message from an unknown number.

"Hey, it's me, your handsome mate. I'll come pick you up at 5pm. Dress casual 😉.
~ Micheal~

Hope bubbled up within me. Maybe there is someone I can trust.

I just hope he listens.


A/N: I'm literally writing this at 9pm and I'm so freaking tired!

Please guys, if you could drop some comments, it would be nice. Hearing what you guys think about my story motivates me to write, knowing that it isn't ghosts that are reading this.

Sorry if the chapter is short and has errors, but I need to sleep! I'll adjust is 2moro.


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