|16| Blackbeard

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Alexa's POV



I just feel... Pain.

My body... I can't feel it.

Am I dead? I sure hope so.

What happened? I can't... remember... Everything is dark. Why is there no light? Why does it feel so hot? Like I'm boiling in oil.

C'mon Alexa, think!

"Oh no, she be burnin' up again."

What was that?! Who...?

Slowly but surely, I started to gain some feeling in parts of my body again. I felt something cold and moist being dabbed across my forehead. Then I felt a hand brushing my hair out of my face before placing a wet cloth on my forehead. I tried to flinch back but I couldn't.

Don't TOUCH me!

I started to panic. I'm vulnerable and unable to move for some reason and there's someone here that could do anything they want to me.

I don't like the sound of that. At all.

I tried to move my arms, my legs, anything! But they all stayed in place as if stuck with super glue. My breathing went from slow to erratic, and my heart picked up it's pace.

Move damnit!

I snapped one of my eyes open with blurred vision. They moved around the place, scanning for any threats. My vision quickly cleared up and I spotted a large figure lurking in the darkness of the room.

My anxiety reached it's peak as I saw the figure coming towards me.

Oh no... No no no no no no no no no no no- NO!

Stay away!

I jumped up from where I was laying, but instantly regretted it when I felt a burning pain all over my body.

"Calm down, kid. I ain't gonna hurt ya." The figure said, but I wasn't having any of it.

A burst of fire enveloped my trembling hands and pointed it at him and slowly tried to crawl away through the pain.

"Stop that! You're gonna hurt yourself more if you keep using your flames that intensely." He tried to reason with me.

"Kill him. Don't hesitate and give him the chance to attack us. End him while you have the chance!" Alia growled weakly in my head.

I charged my flames with as much energy as I could muster in my hands, but before I could blast, I suddenly felt a firm pain explode in my head and I became weak, making my flame loose power and dissipate.

"Arghhh!!" I groaned and grabbed my head and rolled off the bed hard onto the wooden floor.

What's wrong with me?!

I heard the man take a step closer and I turned my head in his general direction and let out a weak growl.

"Hey, hey. Take it easy, kid. I just wanna help. I ain't gonna hurt ya." He said calmly with his hands held up in the air beside him to show he was of no threat.

I felt so weak. I collapsed onto the floor and just layed there. Everywhere is so painful, especially the hand I just used to hold my flame.

Is... Is my fire hurting me?

He took a few more slow steps towards me and I didn't stop growling at him.
"Calm down. Calm down, kiddo. It's okay." The man said as he walks closer to me. He reaches out to gently take me in his arms and being too weak to resist, I let him pick me up a place me on the bed.

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