|9| How about no?

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Bounce ~ Ruger.

A/N: it's a nice song. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Alexa's POV

The feeling of someone shaking me disturbed my slumber.

"Wake up, Alexa." The familiar voice sounded a little far away from me due to my foggy mind.

I groaned as I slowly cracked my eyes open. Everything around me looked dark and hazy and I saw a blurry figure in front of my face.

"C'mon man, wake up!" The voice called out again. The dark blurry face moved closer to mine and I jumped in fright and hit the face with my hand.

"Ah! What the....? What the actual fuck, Alex?!" The voice groaned and the male moved back a bit from the force.

I shuffled away from him and blinked a few times to clear my vision. After a little bit, my enhanced vision kicked in and I could see Cornelius holding his slightly bleeding nose.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so so so sorry, Cornelius!" I rushed over to him and helped him to clean the blood on his nose.

"Wh-y did you punch me-e?! He cried out in pain. And it must have been really painful for a human to get punched by a wolf.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you. I thought it was some creepy guy and I couldn't see your face properly. That looks painful." I ranted out.

"Of course it's painful! Do you know how strong your punch is? I have zero pain tolerance and you nearly dislocated my nose." He whisper yelled while still holding his face.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." I joked while I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Oh it can't be that bad" he mimicked me in an exaggerated high pitched voice. "Do you want me to punch you? Since it's not that bad." He seethed

"No thank you." I quickly shook my head in negative. That was when my eyes caught sight of the cream colored walls behind him. The paint was slightly peeling off it and it is obvious that the room isn't well maintained.

I tried to remember what had happened or how we got here, but I came up blank. I tried contacting Alia, but it's like our connection is being blocked by a purple haze.

"What happened, Cornelius? And... Where are we?" I asked him, confused.

"Basically, we got ditched and kidnapped." He sighed. "After that incident in the school cafeteria, I ran out after you but we we were jumped by some rouges. And I have absolutely no idea where we are."

I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the ceiling at his words. I remember what happened now, but I wish I didn't. The pack's betrayal. The humiliation.

They abandoned us.

I knew that they hated me, but for them to stoop so low at to let a human possibly get killed just because he was with me is just plain cruel.

The guilt was eating away at me. I scoffed at my life. The first time in years that someone decided to give two fucks about me, and now he's probably going to get hurt because of me.

I don't know what that Roger- or whatever his name was- wants from me. All I know is that my Uncle definitely has a hand in this. My guess is that the monster probably sold me to him and snuck the rouges past the patrol. It's the only thing that can explain how they were able to get so far into the territory without anyone noticing.

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