|15| The Blue Eyed Demon

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A/N: The timeline remains the same, 3 years later, meaning that Cassandra is 17 years old now

Cassandra's POV

"Elder Quinn!" I shouted frantically as I ran down the path to her hut.

"What do you think was the cause of the massacre?" Carrie, my wolf, asked.

"I don't know, Carrie. But if I do know anything, it's that Quinn will know what to do."

"I hope you're right."

I hope so too, girl.

"Elder Quinn!" She came out of her hut the second time I called for her. I slowed my pace as I reached her and tried to catch my breath.

"Cassandra, child, what is going on? Why are you screaming and running like you are being chased by a pack of hell hounds?" She asked, probably mad that I interrupted her evening meditation.

"I'm sorry Elder, but this is important." I said once I could breathe properly again. She stared at my face for a few seconds and must have seen the seriousness of the situation because she nodded her head.

"Come in, child." She turned and headed into her hut. "Sit. I will go get you some ice tea to cool your nerves." I said a quick thank you before she went into her kitchen.

Elder Quinn is one of the wisest people I know, and at the age of 899, she's definitely the oldest.

Yeah, sure, humans and supernatural beings age very slowly, but not many get to actually grow to such an old age. With all the wars, conflicts and rivalry among the species, people frequently die in the cross fire, making really hard to survive till the age of 200, so the fact that she's almost a thousand years old is a pretty incredible feat.

She's also really kind. She took me in after she found me alone and injured in the middle of the woods with no memory of where I came from. At this point, she's basically the grandmother I never had... Or never knew, rather.

Quinn came back into the room with a teapot and two cups on a tray levitating in that air beside her. She gently placed the tray on the mat and proceeded to sit on the floor in front of me.

I poured some tea in both cups with and handed her, her cup before taking mine and took little sips with trembling hands. The warm liquid calmed down nerves, albeit just a little bit.

We sat in silence for a few minutes with just the sounds of us softly sipping on our tea.

"East Haven is gone." I finally said, breaking the calm silence.

"We just got word from their neighbouring back, Ralos, that it was almost completely wiped out two nights ago." I continued.

"How? Rouges? But even if it were rouges, that pack is huge with up to 300 members. How did they get wiped out?" She enquired, her wise blue eyes looking curiously but not all that surprised, almost like she'd expected it...

"There was one survivor, though with the extent of his injuries, I doubt if he'll remain that way." I sighed sadly. "The paramedics said that whilst he was being rushed to the hospital, he kept muttering some strange things in his semi conscious state."

"Hmm. Like what" she asked calmly whilst taking a sip of her tea.

"They didn't catch most of what he said as it was gibberish, but he kept repeating the words 'blue eyed demon'." I took a moment to blow on my tea before continuing. "And the strangest part was that when the authorities arrived at the scene, some buildings were still on fire."

"And how is that strange, my dear?" She took another sip of her tea.

"The flames. They were pure black. Overflowing with corrupt energy, like they came straight from hell." She stops mid sip and stared in slight horror.

"Please tell me that the dark witches are the ones behind the East Haven massacre."

I shook my head in negation. "They were all on their coven grounds during the time of the attack, performing their monthly full moon ritual. Even at that, their magic isn't as dark as the magic behind those flames. The local witch in Ralos pack admitted she felt an otherworldly power behind them. Nothing like they've sensed before."

"Oh no." She paled even more than she already is, the worry and fear becoming very evident on her face.

"What is it, Elder? Do you know who is behind those flames." I asked.

"I'm not entirely sure." She stood up from her place on the mat and calmly started to pace around the room. "A few decades ago, I caught wind of a rumour going around amongst the Elites of the society. A rumour that the king of hell himself had a child. I always thought of it to be a bunch of horse crap, but now..."

"I think we're in deep shit"

Word count: 815 words


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys *chuckles nervously*

Yeah, I know it was a huge dick move for not updating since the new years, but I'm seriously loosing motivation in writing and I'm having MAJOR writer's block.

BUT DON'T WORRY, I'm not gonna abandon this book. I don't wanna be one of those authors that start a book and never finish them, so I will try my best to see this through.

On another note... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!🎉🎉🎈🎉🎂

Yeah. Just turned 15 and I'm really happy about that. And as a new age resolution, I'm going to encourage myself to not leave this book for more than 2 weeks without updating, and each time I meet the deadline, I'll give myself a cookie 🍪

I mean, I'd eat a cookie even without this- but more cookies for me like this.

Anyways, as usual, pleasdon't forget to;



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Adios Bitchachos 🙋🏾‍♀️

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