|13| Into the night

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Violence and mention of sexual harasment ahead

Alexa's POV

I don't know how long I sat there, crying for the beautiful brown haired boy in my arms. It felt like hours, but I'm not so sure, as I've lost my perception of time.

I've lost my perception of everything.

I was lost in my own mind, feeling the heat of the burning cell around me. I chuckled to myself.

Maybe I should just burn.

I just... I wanna die. I can't... I just can't... I wanna join him. It hurts... so much...

The sobs wracked through my body as I lay down on the cold cell floor, hugging the warm body of Cornelius.

"AAHHHHHHHHH! HELP ME! SOMEONE HEL-" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the scream of a girl.

I feel a pull to the voice, a pull to help them. It's so strong I-

"Ahhhh- MMmmmrphhrpm!" The voice gets muffled by something and I'm more alerted than before. Maybe it's another one of Ruger's prisoners.

Then it clicks.

Ruger's dead. I killed him.

I take a glance at his burnt skeleton behind me.

There are other people in this building that have suffered because of him, and I have the power to help them.

I will free them, or I'll die trying.

I stood up but fell down because of my weak legs. I tried again and was successful. I took a shaky step towards the burning cell door but looked back at him.

I'll come back for you, Cornelius. I promise.

I looked back at the burning flames and thought of how to control them and I'm taken by surprise when they part in the center and made a pathway out of the cell for me to pass.

So it seems like they obey my thoughts. Neat.

I slowly walk out of the cell and take in my surroundings, trying to figure out where the voice came from when I'm blown back by a strong gust of wind. I groan as my back hits a wall.

"Trying to escape again, I see." Says a red-headed man, but I recognized him. He was the same guy who helped Ruger kidnap me and was at my house that day.

I raise my head up completely to look at him in the eye and his widen when he looks at mine.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed as he took a step back. There is a puddle of water below me and I looked down at it and saw what he was exclaiming at.

The whites of my eyes are completely black, and the blue of my irises are glowing.

I look demonic.

And I like it.

I looked back up at him and slowly grinned, loving the fear in his eyes. He tried to mask it but I could still smell it all over him.

I slowly stood up and felt my flames burning up again within me. My whole body is on fire, but I barely feel it.

"That old man told us you're not supposed to have any elemental powers, and certainly not any of this power." He asked.

"I guess you shouldn't have trusted his words then." I said. I gathered my flames into balls and threw it towards him. He sent a gust of wind at it to deflect it but wasn't able to stop it all.

"Argh!" He groaned as the flames severely injured his right hand. I repeated the same action and threw another ball of fire at him and this time it injured half of his body and threw him back. I walked up to him and stared down at his bleeding body.

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