|18| Black Flame

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A/N: The ramen cups in this chapter are like the one above, but just imagine them bigger

Alexa's POV

"What is this?" I asked Blackbeard- Adam, while staring at the orange cup in front of me.

" 'Tis called Ramen. My personal favorite dish from the time I pillaged japanese villages back in the 1800s." I'm really starting to think this guy's actually a pirate. "Have ye never seen ramen before?" He asked me with wide eyes and an incredulous expression as if I'm supposed to know what the hell this shit is. I just stayed quiet and stared at him.

"Darn, ye be missing out on some real good stuff, Lassie." He removed the seal of both his cup and mine, then poured some boiling hot water into the cup before sealing them back. I made sure to watch him and the cup carefully to make sure he doesn't slip something into it.

We were both seated in the living room of his cabin. Turns out I was right, he's broke as hell, based on the ratty old couch and carpet that looks like it would fall apart on its seams if you lightly pull on one of it's loose threads. But I'm not one to complain. It's much better than the blood stained floors and rattling chains that I'm used to. Smells nicer, too.

"Ya know, you can stop glaring at the cup like that. It won't make the noodles cook faster." I briefly glanced at him before taking my eyes back to the cup. We stayed in silence for a few seconds before he broke it.

Oh, what a wonderful few seconds it was.

"How's yer eye, Lassie?" I felt my uninjured eye twitch and I snapped my head towards him, but still keeping the cup in my peripheral vision.

"Stop, calling me that! I have a name, and it is most definitely not Lassie." I hate it when someone calls me by something that isn't my name, especially when I don't know what that thing is. For all I know, he could be insulting me or giving me a nickname with a terrible meaning like they did back in that horrid pack.

My face contorted into a glare and I started at him with the most intimidating look I could muster, though, he barely looked affected. In fact, he smiled.

He fucking smiled.

The level of audacity from him is enraging. If only looks could kill...

"They can't, but the fork on the table looks perfect for that task." As tempting as Alia's suggestion may be, that'll have to wait for now.

"Well then, if you want me to stop calling you that, why not tell me yer name then?" I stared directly at his eyes and down into his soul, but he just stared back with a bemused expression, like my anger is amusing.

We stared at each other like that for a few moments before I huffed and snapped my head away from him and focused on the cup again.

"Alexandria. And my eye is fine." I finally said, tired of our staring contest. All my injuries had practically healed by now, though it still stings a little when I blink my eye due to it being the only injury caused by silver.

"See? That wasn't so hard to do now, was it?" He chuckled and handed me my cup and a fork before taking his."My name is Adam Addams. Former Captain of the Morgan Crew, the best crew in all of the seven seas-"

"I don't care." I simply said and opened up my cup. The smell coming from it was divine and my stomach grumbled. When was the last time I ate? Two? Three weeks ago?

"Ah, ye have the plain brutality of the harshest hailstorm!" He commented while laughing and shaking his head, but my attention was no longer on him, however. Rather, I was completely focused on the delicious looking meal in front of me and before I knew it, I was practically inhaling the noodles. I barely swallowed one bite before I stuffed my mouth again with another forkful, rushing to finish it all before he decides to take it away from me.

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