|7| The Night Of Regrets

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Sorry I haven't been able to update the past 3 weeks, I was having exams so my parents took my phone so I could concentrate. Plus, I'm a little sick.

TRIGGER WARNING ❗Mention of rape.


Alexa's POV

I slowly rose from my bed when it was a little bit after 4pm. My body still hurts from the beating but it's easier to move now thanks to my Werewolf healing.

I took slow steps to my little bathroom to clean myself up. After a very long shower, I slowly goet dressed in a black leggings and a slightly loose soft white cotton top so that it won't press on my bruises too much.

Comfort over fashion, people. And he did say to dress casual, so...

I decided to not cover the bruises on my neck and jaw with any makeup, as I want the bruises to be very visible to Michael when I tell him about the abuse. I heard the ringing of the doorbell and I looked at the time.

4:55 pm.

For someone who wasn't interested in being my mate less than a week ago, he sure was eager for this date. Strange.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he wants to give us a shot, but I can't help but to be cautious. There's a small nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me that I shouldn't completely trust him, and the nagging voice is not Alia. Surprising, I know.

The ringing sound from the doorbell came again and I rushed down the stairs as quick as I could with my injuries. I opened the door to come face to face with Michael's smiling face. He was clad in a pair of black jeans with a leather jacket and a black top underneath with the words ' Hazard Warning! Sexy Greek god approaching' printed in white on them.

Wow, cocky much?

"Hey there, Alexa." He grinned at me.

"Um... H-hey, Michael" I responded nervously.

He looked me up and down, slowly checking me out. His nose scrunched up a little bit when he inspected my bland choice of clothes but quickly covered it up with a charming smile. "You look... pretty, princess."

I gulped and looked down, blushing a little bit at the pet name. "You... um.... You l-look good as well. Handsome, really."

We stood there for a few seconds in awkward silence, not knowing what to say to each other. "Um... So... Let's g-go?" It came out as more of a question from me, but it seemed to snap him out of it.

He took a hold of my hand and led me to his motorcycle. My hand felt really warm in his and I couldn't help but relish the Sparks that danced on my hand and in my chest.

Woah.... woah woah woah!! Hold up one second. Bitch, he's taking me out on a date with a bike?! There's absolutely no way that I'm going to get on that... thing.

He noticed that I had stopped walking and turned to me to see my terrified eyes trained on the red bike. "What's wrong?" He asked, slightly irritated.

I don't exactly have a very good history with motorcycles. And h knows that.


The last bell had just ring and I was getting ready to leave the school premises. I was walking quickly through the empty hallway with my head down when someone suddenly blocked my path.

I looked up to see my four main tormentors; Annabelle, Christabel, Jack and my mate, Micheal. They all wore malicious grins on their faces and looked at me like I was their prey.

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