|12| He's gone

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Alexa's POV

It's been a few weeks since my time in The Chamber, and I still haven't fully recovered. Having to relive all those experiences over and over again is starting to take a toll on me. As a result, I haven't spoken much.

The nightmares have started again. The I'm unable to sleep because everytime I close my eyes, the memories flash through my eyelids, waking me up with horrible migraines.

Now is one of those times I wake up screaming and accidentally startled Cornelius up.

"No no no... Stop... Please stopp!" I cry and rock myself back and forth in the corner of our cell. I feel a pair of skinny arms wrap themselves around me.

"Shhh. It's okay Alexa. I'm here. He isn't here. Your uncle isn't here. It's okay." He shushed me as he gently moved me back and fourth.

I just cried in his arms as he slowly rocked me to sleep.

* \/\/ *

The sound of jiggling keys made my eyes snap open. I rushed my eyes over the room until they found the source of the sound.

"Wake up, you dog. This isn't a hotel room." Ruger sneered as he marched into the room with two of his men behind him. The men were dragging a blonde guy who was struggling in their grip but seemed too weak to escape from their grasps.

I felt Cornelius jump slightly, signaling that he's awake.

Ruger signalled his men to a chair and they nodded and dragged the blonde guy with them towards it. He turned to us and grinned.

"We're gonna try something different today, k?" He frowned when he received silence in return. What the fuck was he expecting, for us to nod our heads in joy to a new form of torture?

"Hey! Let me go, you bloody cunts!" The blonde man shouted as he was tied to the wooden chair tightly.

"Do you know who I am? I am Prince Nicholas Wilde of Avalor! My soldiers will be searching for me now and when they find you, you'll be sorry." The man shouted at Ruger.

"Gag him." He ordered and his men did exactly that. Prince Nicholas's threats became muffled by the cloth.

"As I was saying," he said, "we're going to try something different today, and I'm sure that your going to love it." I shrieked when he forcefully dragged me up from my position on the floor.

"I want you to shoot him." he pointed at the Prince whose eyes bulged out of its sockets and frantically shook his head in negative when he heard Ruger.

He placed a gun in my hands. My hands shook as I felt the object in my hands and shook my head.

"N-no..." I croaked out and took a step back. Ruger's face twisted into a dark scowl. He lifted his hands towards me and I suddenly felt like I'm being squeezed from the inside out. He slowly closes his hands into a fist and I wasn't able to breathe.

"If you don't do what I say, then I won't mind ending that little boy over there." One of his men suddenly appeared behind Cornelius and held a dagger to his neck. Ruger looked back at me and smirked.

"So what will it be, little girl?" He asked. Cornelius slowly shook his head telling me not to do it, but I can't let him die, so I slowly nodded my head to Ruger indicating that I will do it.

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